

1、Eating the unripe apples made him ill.『7words』

2、Which at this season, with their unripe fruits.『8words』

3、unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking.『8words』

4、of a yellow-green color similar to that of an unripe olive.『11words』

5、a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the unripe papaya; used as a meat tenderizer.『13words』



6、Middle and primary school is unripe truant, ought to the school manage like where?『14words』

7、The dried, unripe, berrylike fruit of this plant, used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and commercial flavorings.『15words』

8、If can be done appoint earth up unripe, fractional line can fall a lot of!『15words』

9、Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching unripe peaches.『18words』

10、When the resume that turns over 3 people, undertake inquisitor can 'ts help the heart is unripe regretful.『18words』



11、Avoid the data that unripe need submits to applying for to push, the country does not have specific provision.『19words』

12、Enrolled unripe plan 2010: Arabic character and culture direction and Arabic learn direction to recruit 5 Masters graduate student.『19words』

13、Fourth, the trade market of the mortgage is unripe, and the mortgage secondary market of the house is not active;『20words』

14、Enrolled unripe plan 2010:8 people of Arabic language and interpreter, Arabic learns way 5 people, direction of Arabia society culture 7 people.『22words』

15、The quality of fresh unripe maize ears was affected by the lossing of moisture, color, flavor and nutrition during the quick-frozen processing .『23words』

16、When ripe fruit is packed with unripe, a substantial amount of fruit often ends up rotting even when the shipments are separated by type.『24words』

17、Young students of practice who just finish their study spout all the day. They show their unripe skill of no-learning to everyone, especially in medical treatment.『26words』

18、You won't get a bellyache from eating a green apple,as long as you chew it completely.The stomach does not know the difference between ripe and unripe apples.『27words』

19、Through indefatigable effort of two years, recently, 3 inferior Guo Guanghao is unripe go vacationing big public house hangs out his shingle formally 5 astral class hotels of Chinese.『29words』

20、In fact, papain has been extracted to make dietary supplements for digestion. Thus, the unripe papaya is considered to have more healing powers for constipation than the ripe one.『29words』



21、Spicate top is unripe, yellow luxuriants piece, jackknife is bunchy, be like langouste, fox-brush, and blossom all the year round, appropriate and potted, also can make flower bed decorate.『29words』

22、Friends in the North argued that it was because of long-distance transportation. They plucked some unripe melons and squatted them slowly in the bark and warehouse, which could not represent the northern melons.『33words』

23、The capital market of our country is still unripe, futures market is not still standard, various kinds of reform measures have not been put in place yet, and option market is at embryonic stage.『34words』

24、You rode the truck without buying a ticket, and walked twenty kilometres along the loess road that wound through the gullies and ridges. With only a bit of watermelon and some unripe jujubes to eat, you came as if driven by fate to swim this river.『46words』

25、“Her breasts were rather small, and dropping pear-shaped. But they were unripe, a little bitter, without meaning hanging there. And her belly had lost the fresh, round gleam it had had when she was young, in the days of her German boy, who really loved her physically."『47words』

