

1、Not Balzac. Not Flaubert.『4words』

2、Balzac the elder had retired.『5words』

3、Here is the territory of a Balzac.『7words』

4、Variation of Narrative Space: From Balzac to Faulkner『8words』

5、Balzac once said artistic creation was“ an exhausting strug-gle”。『9words』



6、On the Artistic Style of Albert Savarus of Balzac『9words』

7、Tradition and Innovation:A Comparative Study of Proust and Balzac『9words』

8、of or relating to Honore de Balzac or his writings.『10words』

9、Love enemy s but money--Talk about de Balzac s love view;『11words』

10、As Balzac once said, "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime."『12words』



11、In the recent twenty years, the spread of Balzac has developed quickly in China.『14words』

12、To be happy, to make the one you love, is to be paid. -- Balzac.『15words』

13、Balzac and Tang Xianzha can be regarded as the models in creating beauty of art.『15words』

14、Hugo kept the positive romantic w ay while Balzac and some other writers turned to critical realism.『17words』

15、The friend opened the door hurriedly only to find that there was only Balzac in the room.『17words』

16、Culturally, the bourgeoisie has been regarded, from Moliere to Balzac, as mean, avaricious, tasteless, reactionary and rapacious『17words』

17、He not only presented the Human Comedy in a systematic way, but also gave an overall description of Balzac.『19words』

18、Wujingzi and Balzac were outstanding writers who founded the realism movement in literature in the 18th and 19th centuries.『19words』

19、It's a huge book which is all about this short story by Balzac, "Sarrasine," that he begins this essay by quoting.『21words』

20、You can read here on the walls where Zola lived and Balzac and Dante and Strindberg and everybody who ever was anything『22words』



21、Our greatest writers spent years in France, and everyone here has read a book of Balzac or seen a movie starring French actor Alain Delon.『25words』

22、In parks, and on the stretches of grass beside the Seine, I read Balzac and Zola and Colette and Flaubert:2 novels about society and the human heart.『27words』

23、As an undercurrent of realism, the aesthetic evaluation made on Futaulen by Balzac played a fundamental role in the art practice to the establishment of modern school aesthetic principle.『29words』

24、Excellent wines are produced in the many vineyards in the ancient province of Touraine, which lies around Tours. Wines that make you love this area even more, just as the great writer Honore de Balzac also loved it.『38words』

