

1、catapult ,for launching aircraft『4words』

2、By sword, knife, stone, catapult and club.『7words』

3、The weapon: flightless birds, launched by catapult.『7words』

4、It's the same principle as a catapult.『7words』

5、A medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones.『7words』



6、The child broke his neighbor's window with a catapult.『9words』

7、shoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult.『9words』

8、This patch introduces the new defensive structure, the mini-catapult.『9words』

9、This ensures proper steam settings for the catapult and sufficient flying speed.『12words』

10、The assertions are like springs that catapult us back to the guard.『12words』



11、He fitted a pebble into the catapult and pulled back the elastic. Twang!『13words』

12、FOREIGN investment helped catapult central Europe to prosperity over the past 20 years.『13words』

13、The ski jump is a cheaper and less complex take off alternative to the steam catapult.『16words』

14、On great agile teams, conflict is constant and welcomed by all as a catapult to higher performance.『17words』

15、China's consumers are set to catapult the country's tourism market past Japan's by 2020, according to Boston Consulting Group.『19words』

16、Youngsters aim to have that extra piece of talent, which could catapult them into a world of wealth and idolisation .『21words』

17、But it proved unreliable and inaccurate, not least because the catapult launches upset the sensitive gyroscopes, and it never saw action.『21words』

18、The typical catapult was not a monster, but an easily portable affair, more powerful than the bow and requiring less skill.『21words』

19、And if the spacecraft arrives at the perfect Angle, it's able to use some of the planet velocity to catapult it further into space.『24words』

20、In order to still his never ending hunger for utter destruction, this warmongering beast mounted a hell slinging catapult on top of his impenetrable shell.『25words』



21、These robots, typically launched by foot soldiers with a catapult, slingshot or hand toss, far outnumber their larger kin, which are the size of piloted aeroplanes.『26words』

22、Through plenty of historical materials, from function of the origin of catapult, type of bow, balls of catapult and its skills, catapult martial skills are textual studied.『27words』

23、After months of seeking to draw international attention Gaza's way, the attack helped Hamas catapult the siege on Gaza to the top of international bulletins and western policy assessments.『29words』

24、One night, while wielding a catapult slingshot, he ham-handedly slices off half a dragon's tail, and then stumbles onto the creature nursing its wounds at a woodland crater lake.『29words』

