


2、an urgent suitor『3words』

3、A suitor is outside.『4words』

4、Another suitor may emerge, possibly Oracle.『6words』

5、And Suez may have another suitor.『6words』



6、Pomona's shyest suitor was the wood-god Vertumnus.『7words』

7、the utterly nothing role of a wealthy suitor『8words』

8、Acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor.『10words』

9、A suitor is found, but he's one of a kind.『10words』

10、He played the attentive suitor, complete with roses and bonbons.『10words』



11、But the suitor must also measure up in character and honor and local reputation.『14words』

12、Her particularly persistent Louisiana suitor, Edward Summerville by name, was irritated by Nora's continued aloofness.『15words』

13、In Shanghai, the first question about a suitor is, “How many square metres is his apartment?”『16words』

14、I heard one of them say to an imaginary suitor, "and you without health or a home."『17words』

15、Rodins was so overwhelmed that she had to go to her friend Diana's temple to avoid her suitor.『18words』

16、Who knows, he is Qiao Xue's first suitor, even dare someone jump out to say that he is Qiao Xue's fiance.『21words』

17、If you’re just not that into your potential suitor, the dress helpfully says “no way” on your behalf by staying firmly opaque.『22words』

18、UK confectioner Cadbury will soon find out if it will be the target of a hostile bid by would-be US suitor Kraft Foods.『23words』

19、One past wannabe suitor even told me he thought it was great that his retirement would coincide neatly with his imagined child's toddler years.『24words』

20、Afterwards it strikes me what that movie is, and I reel out of the cinema like a suitor at the end of a misbegotten date.『25words』



21、(6) They are tempting targets, but any suitor[7] will need deep pockets— and confidence that the European market will indeed, despite all the political meddling, soon become truly open.『29words』

22、Can you imagine giant pandas baa like sheep to say "I love you" and warble a cheerful "I do" when wooed by a suitor, and bark like a dog when they are furious?『33words』

23、Her son Cayetano Martinez DE Irujo, the Duke of Salvatierra, said just a few weeks ago he had only met his mother's suitor three times and she shouldn't marry because of her historic responsibility.『34words』

24、By the final pages of the book, Namu has beaten two people bloody, devastated a suitor, demolished a kitchen with an axe and fled her village with her mother flinging stones at her back.『34words』

