

1、That's the weirdest of all.『5words』

2、It was the weirdest scene.『5words』

3、The weirdest thing just happened...『5words』

4、This is the world's weirdest harvest.『6words』

5、That 'the weirdest part about it.『6words』



6、What's the weirdest thing I can come up with?'.『9words』

7、Be: No. That 's the weirdest part about it.『9words』

8、That's the weirdest thing I've ever seen, 'marvel led Carl.『10words』

9、The weirdest place would have to be…… oh, the foot of the bed.『13words』

10、National Geographic has made a list of the 10 weirdest newly discovered animals.『13words』



11、It was the weirdest Christmas ever, but ultimately full of the right spirit.『13words』

12、Our friends at Big Bang Blogs give us the lowdown on the weirdest rainbows out there.『16words』

13、This fish (if "fish" we can really call it) is the weirdest looking sea creature we've ever seen.『18words』

14、The weirdest thing is of course that what seems weird to us is perfectly acceptable in another culture.『18words』

15、But also notice that you may just be witnessing one of the weirdest sea creatures in the world.『18words』

16、But there will be opposition, led by the small shops and businesses that benefit from the weirdest trading laws.『19words』

17、A half an hour later, I saw the headlights of our car and heard the weirdest thing: loud, loud music.『20words』

18、They always tell me "cheers" at the end of the call, and that's my favorite thing. -and what's the weirdest call he's gotten?『23words』

19、It was the weirdest thing I had seen that day. How many people would want to buy new trainers in the middle of the desert?『25words』

20、But the weirdest may be this: artists' only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.『25words』



21、Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world's weirdest and wackiest achievers by Briton Paul Hunn who scooped the record for the world's largest burp.『26words』

22、In WHAT was perhaps his weirdest film, "City of Women", Federico Fellini took cinema-goers into the nightmare of a Latin male who is bewildered by the advent of feminism.『29words』

23、And the weirdest bit is, they don't seem to mind sabotaging the original idea that got them interested in the first place, in order to maintain their newfound social status.『30words』

24、In this post, we take a look at some amazing photographs of the weirdest cloud formations that you'll ever see, that are destined to inspire your design work and surely blow your mind.『33words』

