

1、北元蒙古大汗兀客克图合罕马儿古儿吉思,太松可汗脱脱不花之幼子。马儿古儿吉思,明代汉籍又译作麻儿可儿、马儿可儿吉思、麦儿苦儿吉思、马儿苦儿吉思、马可古儿吉思等。萨冈彻辰《蒙古源流》中说,这位可汗名来自佚名《黄史》。keg-tu,意为“坐在驮箱里的”,因年龄幼小当出征时放在驮箱里而出名。明朝人从这位可汗开始称年幼的蒙古大汗为“小王子”。 关于马儿古儿吉思这个蒙古可汗的名字,日本学者冈田英弘早已指出:“其名即叙利亚语‘圣乔治’之谓也。叙利亚语为景教之公用语。由此可*该教之遗脉于十五世纪尚存于蒙古。”『2words』

2、“你不能说亚利桑那州立大学的keg party 就比威斯康*大学barcrawl好很多。”他解释说。『3words』

3、a keg of beer [brandy]『5words』

4、A keg bobbed up astern.『5words』

5、A plastic keg holds 2 Kgs.『6words』



6、The bar tender tapped a new keg of beer.『9words』

7、The thing which he was carrying was a big keg.『10words』

8、Gamer/modder Ben Lzicar turned a beer keg into a computer case『11words』

9、Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.『12words』

10、Most of them had breeches like the man who was carrying the keg.『13words』



11、Keg – Officially called a half-barrel, a keg contains roughly200 12-ounce servings of beer.『14words』

12、I didn't even know what came in a keg and had never contemplated15 drinking.『14words』

13、So, don't jump and run to a keg party quite yet, remember that moderation is best.『16words』

14、The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.『17words』

15、Using a potion keg and targetting stack of bottles now consumes one bottle, not the entire stack.『17words』

16、The third sample will be a 6 oz. draw that will provide an iron pick upvalue for the keg.『19words』

17、Most dispensing systems rely on carbon dioxide gas pumped down into the keg to push beer up to a tap.『20words』

18、“You can't say keg party at Arizona State is much better than bar crawl at the University of Wisconsin," he explained.『21words』

19、The short gunfire was like the fuse that ignited the powder keg, and the devil's bunker went off like a bullet to the outside.『24words』

20、Unless it's a frat house keg fest, don't shout across the table — concentrate on those closest to you. This will keep the proceedings calm and orderly.『27words』



21、Another young lieutenant, Charles Hoskins, standing nearby overheard the colonel's words and hastened to tell him that he had consigned a keg of whisky in the wagon without permission.『29words』

22、In response to the protests, the government has appointed a Socialist deputy as a mediator. He accused the Sarkozy government of "lighting a powder keg" by starting deregulation in the first place.『32words』

23、I need you to pick up a keg of Thunderbrew Lager from Grimbooze Thunderbrew in the Westfall hills, a cask of Merlot from Stormwind, a bottle of Moonshine from Darkshire and a skin of Sweet Rum from Goldshire.『38words』

24、It was the treasure-box, sure enough, occupying a snug little cavern, along with an empty powder-keg, a couple of guns in leather cases, two or three pairs of old moccasins, a leather belt, and some other rubbish well soaked with the water-drip.『42words』

