

1、I want the necktie ironed.『5words』

2、He bought a fancy necktie.『5words』

3、necktie textiles not knitted or crocheted『6words』

4、Tom held Claude roughly by his necktie.『7words』

5、There is a necktie, comparable fabric, comparable pattern.『8words』



6、rugs lying askew; with his necktie twisted awry.『8words』

7、I threw away that dirty old blue silk necktie.『9words』

8、You had better wear a blue necktie with this suit.『10words』

9、He even wore a necktie, a bright bit of ribbon.『10words』

10、Henry wouldn't be caught dead in the necktie he got for Christmas.『12words』



11、Thea: Just a minute, let me straighten your necktie... there, that looks better.『13words』

12、The style and color of your necktie can seriously transform the look of your suit.『15words』

13、Men can wear a lightweight linen suit or dress pants-and-blazer combination in a light color, necktie optional.『17words』

14、She ironed my shirt, chose my necktie, and brushed flat the dark hair I still had then.『17words』

15、I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown necktie.『17words』

16、Croatia also has a place in the history of neckwear as the origin of the necktie (cravat).『17words』

17、a long necktie that is tied in a slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other.『18words』

18、At that time, every day when I made necktie and tie, I was groping for rules and finding a way out.『21words』

19、Thinking that the color of his necktie made his sallow complexion greenish, he changed neckties three times before going down for breakfast.『22words』

20、But it is still astonishing to be reminded of quite how odd Nixon and his circle were. He wore a necktie when he was in his dressing gown.『28words』



21、The idea is to appeal to younger customers who rebel at the thought of wearing a necktie, but still have the money to spend on a $1,500 suit.『28words』

22、The idea is to appeal to younger customers who rebel at the thought of wearing a necktie, let alone a day job, but still have the money to spend on a $1, 500 suit.『34words』

23、In Hong Kong I had seen a streetcar conductor following a free rider to the street and grad hold of his necktie, in place of the pigtail which used to be the first thing reached for in a brawl.『39words』

24、An example? The outfits worn by Denim Air flight attendants in the '70s, made up of neck-to-toe denim, denim shirt, denim trousers and bright red necktie with the top button of the shirt left undone to give a casual appearance.『40words』

