

1、Basically, everything began to dwindle.『5words』

2、This windfall will eventually dwindle.『5words』

3、I dwindle, thin as a golden flower.『7words』

4、They watched its light dwindle and disappear.『7words』

5、As the rivers dwindle, the conflicts could spread.『8words』



6、Those jobs will dwindle in years to come.『8words』

7、The number of Internet cafes is starting to dwindle.『9words』

8、His money dwindle away to nothing while traveling in europe.『10words』

9、They prove wonderfully effective at first, only to dwindle into uselessness.『11words』

10、To dwindle away to nothing after an initial display of strength『11words』



11、Allowing one axis of the ellipse to dwindle to zero, the crack limit solution is obtained.『16words』

12、As in the Oligocene before it, grasslands continued to expand and forests to dwindle in extent.『16words』

13、Mass relocations to tower block Housing Development Board (HDB) flats saw the number of kampongs dwindle.『16words』

14、Worse is to come. The IIF expects that flows will dwindle to a paltry $165 billion this year.『18words』

15、Stars smaller than eight solar masses simply expand into red giants and then dwindle away into white dwarfs.『18words』

16、On shorter routes, their advantages dwindle: they can neither transform a region nor replicate the advantages of wider networks.『19words』

17、but as Maybelle's name was called most often and the amount went up to seventy-five dollars, her protests began to dwindle.『21words』

18、Over the past few years, Thanksgiving dinners have begun to dwindle, and I have seriously considered my impulse to eat clean dishes.『22words』

19、I suspect the Arsenal news will dwindle as we get more into the international break but there's still a reasonable amount to talk about this morning.『26words』

20、Moreover, on visualizing thefacial expression of friends when they receive the reply — reburned lingering anger rather thansurprised delight — my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught.『28words』



21、Greatbecause fans who use your worktherapeutically, to work out their owncreative urges, are fans who have adamned good reason to stick with thefield, to keep on reading even as ournumbers dwindle.『31words』

22、Nowhere is this more obvious than in the dairy industry which is not only shedding farmers every week, but losing its future workforce too, as the traditions of family succession dwindle.『31words』

23、Moreover, it follows that with any exercise of State power, not only the exercise of social power in the same direction, but the disposition to exercise it in that direction, tends to dwindle.『33words』

24、I've heard it in the frustrations of Americans who've seen their paychecks dwindle or their jobs disappear — proud men and women who feel like the rules have been changed in the middle of the game.『36words』

