

1、He was wakeful yesterday.『4words』

2、He lay wakeful all night.『5words』

3、A wakeful flea, who bites the mouse.『7words』

4、I had a wakeful night last Sunday.『7words』

5、And drown the wakeful anguish of the soul.『8words』



6、She had spent many wakeful nights worrying about him.『9words』

7、At each change in engine sound she grew more wakeful.『10words』

8、when a wakeful influence goes abroad over the sleeping hemisphere,『10words』

9、I have been wakeful at night for a couple of days.『11words』

10、I am eager and wakeful, I am a stranger in the strange land.『13words』



11、Despondency had come upon her there in the wakeful night, and had never lifted.『14words』

12、It is the wakeful experience of life, an alert participation in the ongoing process of living.『16words』

13、Let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreams and in my wakeful hours.『16words』

14、Some of these patients seem wakeful; they open their eyes, make noises and seem to look around.『17words』

15、Objective To evaluate the efficacy of treatment of self behavior regulating sleep wakeful rhythm on patients with insomnia.『18words』

16、The eye controlled by the sleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere's eye stays open and alert.『18words』

17、A sleep debt is something that worries Nathaniel Lippiett, yet he concedes that he rarely feels tired after a wakeful night.『21words』

18、The more relaxed we become, the more we can see the mind's spacious, wakeful quality, which we've been more or less blind to.『23words』

19、Several times lately I have lain wakeful when there sounded the first note of the earliest lark; it makes me almost glad of my restless nights.『26words』

20、Misery knocks at thy door, and her message is that thy Lord is wakeful, and he calls thee to the love - tryst through the darkness of night.『28words』



21、Today the morning has closed its eyes, heedless of the insistent calls of the loud east wind, and a thick veil has been drawn over the ever-wakeful blue sky.『29words』

22、And in the wakeful intervals I pray that the morning may see the rain continue, our lane under water, and the bathing platform of the tank submerged to the last step.『31words』

23、But one of the girls who occupied an adjoining bed was more wakeful than Tess, and would insist upon relating to the latter various particulars of the homestead into which she had just entered.『34words』

24、Baby this several day is easy to be able to sleep oh, about 3 a day maximum hour of in this way minor know showing consideration for mother oh, unclear wakeful, whether be or not happy event!『37words』

