

1、A raucous party or gathering.『5words』

2、a raucous voice, laugh, etc『5words』

3、To utter such a hoarse, raucous sound.『7words』

4、the sharp raucous cawing of a crow『7words』

5、To make a harsh or raucous noise.『7words』



6、He speaks in a deep and raucous voice.『8words』

7、I recognized him by his raucous, penetrating laugh.『8words』

8、Rauxa is reminiscent of our words "raucous" and "ruckus".『9words』

9、Daisy finds the party too raucous for her taste.『9words』

10、The raucous sirens of the tugs came in from the river.『11words』



11、A large kingfisher (Dacelo gigas) native to Australia, with a call that resembles raucous laughter.『15words』

12、At a raucous San Siro on Tuesday United controlled imposing opponents yet could not score.『15words』

13、Lights twinkled from Windows over shops and as they neared the Three Broomsticks they heard raucous Shouting.『17words』

14、Everybody knows that she has a raucous voice and now she is brave enough to sell records.『17words』

15、Nearly500 people were injured due to stray bullets and firecracker accidents during raucous New Year celebrations throughout the country.『19words』

16、Walk away from the square in any direction, however, and soon you find yourself amid a raucous riot of commerce.『20words』

17、The recession has also changed relations between companies and universities, where recruiting events used to be nearly as prevalent as raucous parties.『22words』

18、It is important to remember, when people complain about the irresponsibility of the press today, that back then it was much more raucous.『23words』

19、The team joined the raucous crowd in a thrilling acappella rendition of the national anthem's second verse, but after that things quickly deteriorated for the five-time world champions.『28words』

20、The piece, adapted from Chua's just-released memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, is now at the center of a raucous global debate about parenting, identity and family.『28words』



21、Originally, they practiced it to protect themselves, but gradually it became a deep - rooted habit. That is how we became like we are today - fierce and raucous buddhas.『30words』

22、Why should he strum away without considering his audience? What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses.『32words』

23、The Numbers were just as huge; the party was just as raucous, the country music still pounded from five separate stages, and it was still quite a fight to get your hands on a drink.『35words』

24、“Even today, some view the Black cat as an omen of misfortune. Even the English language is stacked against the moggy. Spiteful people are dubBed as being "catty". A raucous cry is a "caterwaul". At work, a greedy, lazy Boss is a "fat cat"."『44words』

