

1、Will the hushed tones disappear.『5words』

2、The hushed water waits for the wind.『7words』

3、She hushed the crying child to sleep.『7words』

4、“Of course," he said, mimicking my hushed tone.『8words』

5、A hushed courtroom listened as the boy gave evidence.『9words』



6、Everyone hushed up to hear what he had to say『10words』

7、The pupils hushed when the teacher came into the classroom.『10words』

8、The ocean itself--that serene and tideless sea-lay scarce less hushed.『10words』

9、“Help me, " he said in a hushed voice. He sounded desperate.『12words』

10、She found an atmosphere of gloom in the normally hushed corridors of power.『13words』



11、He evokes the hushed serenity of antiquity and the cacophonous turbulence of modernism.『13words』

12、「Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.痛在我心里渐渐平和夜在树林里一字不说」『15words』

13、In hushed tones, the audience began wondering whether his pancreatic cancer—which he was treated for in 2004—had returned.『18words』

14、“Quiet, you scugs," he cried, "or I'll cast anchor in you." And at once the din was hushed.『18words』

15、The next morning when the Mullah stopped singing I heard Mashala crying so loud that the roosters hushed.『18words』

16、Too much information is currently hushed up while multinationals cite competitive confidentiality as the reason for lack of transparency.『19words』

17、As the winds and blinding snow died down, the man's soul became hushed and quiet while he pondered this wonderful thought.『21words』

18、The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be?"『22words』

19、They fall all night, while the voice of the Teal River becomes more and more hushed and the noises of the forest die away.『24words』

20、When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic "Amens," all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God.『26words』



21、While many initially scoffed at Ty’s under-stuffed animals and referred to them as ‘roadkill, ’ the haters were quickly hushed when 30, 000 were sold at the first toy show in Atlanta.『32words』

22、He slowed down, but still without any intention of stopping, until, as we came nearer, the hushed, intent faces of the people at the garage door made him automatically put on the brakes.『33words』

23、And a promise is a promise, he to1d the cat. Lately, Louisa had started going out for the odd evening as well.First the phone call and the hushed conversation, then the abrupt departure. What was he supposed to think?『39words』

24、Then ensued a murmur and half-hushed tumult, as if the auditors, released from the high spell that had transported them into the region of another's mind, were returning into themselves, with all their awe and wonder still heavy on them.『40words』

