

1、He looked a little scruffy.『5words』

2、a smart, scruffy, snappy, etc dresser『6words』

3、She was wearing a scruffy pair of jeans.『8words』

4、Uncle Sam is portrayed as scruffy, mean and bitter.『9words』

5、The hotel is very scruffy bedrooms clean but basic.『9words』



6、The porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.『10words』

7、Despite her scruffy clothes, there was an air of sophistication about her.『12words』

8、They are scruffy, hardened, fierce, and more than a little bit insane.『12words』

9、They seemed a scruffy bunch, but that was only to be expected of sell swords.『15words』

10、Firms soon organised themselves along similar lines, keeping white-coated scientists safely apart from scruffy engineers.『15words』



11、The area the Hotel is in is scruffy and ruff and up a lane with broken down cars.『18words』

12、The salesclerk looked at us suspiciously, a scruffy black boy and a black sailor in ill-fitting dress blues.『18words』

13、The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.『19words』

14、The traffic was aggressive and choked; the pedestrian crossings deadly; the buses overcrowded; the train stations scruffy and underfunded.『19words』

15、The keenest eyes will have already noted that the scruffy top-knot has silently become the hairstyle to have this summer.『20words』

16、His voice was so gentle and kindly, it was difficult to believe it came from the mouth under that scruffy beard.『21words』

17、The second reason is that we tend to end up with scruffy code in multiple-test methods, as we hack around making the tests reasonable.『24words』

18、Having looked himself over he tinned to look at the camels. They were just as scruffy as he was and just as dear to him.『25words』

19、We negotiated our first obstacle smoothly, boarding a bus at the scruffy Nador terminal for a buttock-numbing five-hour journey to the quiet port of Al Hoceima.『26words』

20、But at age fourteen, this scruffy, arthritic mongrel hobbled into our yard for a tete-a-tete with our blue-blooded schnauzer, Heidi, who was a ten-year Old Maid.『26words』



21、The guidelines are a far cry from the stereotypical image of a college lecturer as a slightly scruffy, chalk-dusted individual wearing corduroy jackets with torn leather elbow pads.『28words』

22、Though intrinsic worth is more important than looks, a scruffy person whose hair is tangled, face unshaven, finger-nails unfiled, necktie undone, shoes unlaced would give people a bad impression.『29words』

23、Along one side a scruffy fence lent drunkenly one way then the other, while a brutally straight line of six-foot high boards marked the other side of the territory.『29words』

24、Ennis, high-arched nose and narrow face, was scruffy and a little cave-chested, balanced a small torso on long, caliper legs, possessed a muscular and supple body made for the horse and for fighting.『33words』

