

1、They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.『6words』

2、He was in his employer's good graces.『7words』

3、I'm not in her good graces at the moment.『9words』

4、Speaking French and playing the piano are social graces.『9words』

5、Can a panacea be found to improve Singaporeans' social graces『10words』



6、She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.『10words』

7、Lacking special skills or abilities; unpolished, as in the social graces.『11words』

8、The rich woman has lost many friends because of her airs and graces.『13words』

9、Others see us as overly materialistic, somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces.『13words』

10、Don got the bad graces of the teacher by laughing at her hat.『13words』



11、She shall give to thy head increase of graces, and protect thee with a noble crown.『16words』

12、Life A bigger-than-life Miles Davis graces a mural outside the Bohemian Caverns club on U Street.『16words』

13、Together, they looked at the man, and it was the beautiful woman with all her graces who spoke.『18words』

14、Hagen would gladly have done so, but he didn't know why Freddie was in his father's bad graces.『18words』

15、This time he graces the same stage with Carlisle Floyd’s adaptation of John Steinbeck's 1937 novel “Of Mice and Men”.『20words』

16、Teresa was endowed with all those wild graces which are so much more potent than our affected and studied elegancies.『20words』

17、Besides, Johnny was in the Don's bad graces, Johnny having divorced his childhood sweetheart to marry Margot Ashton. This had displeased the Don greatly.『24words』

18、THE gargantuan statue of a dining-room chair that graces the centre of Martinsville is a tribute to the legacy of the local furniture-making industry.『24words』

19、Women are good at nurturing relationships, the thinking goes, while men are too egotistical to say they're sorry or have a different take on social graces.『26words』

20、There are even those who claim that extraordinary afflictions are not the punishment for extraordinary SINS but the trial of extraordinary graces bestowed on a favoured few.『27words』



21、See, that's all it takes to get back in the fans' good graces. Score, then win. Better than a bouquet of roses. Cheaper than a $4 million ring.『28words』

22、The distinguished leadership, if I may deserve your graces, I will certainly fulfill its duties and take practical action to prove to you: your glorious past, I too late participation;『30words』

23、And while Cassell has 103 playoff games under his belt and two championship rings to boot, the spotlight will be on Brand, as he graces the postseason stage for the first time.『32words』

24、For the first time in his life, it occurred to him that if he wanted to get on he ought to insinuate himself into the good graces of people- do or say something that would make them like him.『39words』

