

1、He botched his model airplane.『5words』

2、Congress has hopelessly botched intelligence reform.『6words』

3、Some blame that on botched public relations.『7words』

4、i feel frustrated about having botched the job.『8words』

5、I'm afraid I've rather botched the dinner tonight.『8words』



6、I can't find the fool who botched up the report.『10words』

7、There's no way of estimating how many 'botched' boob jobs there are each year.『14words』

8、“In 83 years it has botched every opportunity," anthropologist Scott Atran wrote last week.『14words』

9、I'm out of sorts because I can't find the nincompoop who botched up the report.『15words』

10、the two subsequently became a couple when they reteamed for the botched 1988 noir remake D.『16words』



11、Yet repeat surgeries are common: either to correct botched operations or in pursuit of more “health.『16words』

12、Your company is going to have to deal with low quality software, and likely a botched release.『17words』

13、The risk of dying in a botched abortion isonly part of a broader problem of maternal health in poor countries.『20words』

14、This "differentiation" began when Mr Clegg seized an unmissable chance to rough up the Tories over a botched health reform.『20words』

15、Rumors still abound of botched and fatal space missions, the result of pervasive secrecy that surrounded the Soviet space program.『20words』

16、But far from being a reliable and painless form of death, they are frequently botched, opponents claim, and can cause excruciating pain.『22words』

17、But Krywko is more than happy to pay the premium to know that botched orders and shipping delays won't ruin his company.『22words』

18、Asian economies are particularly wary of the fund after what many consider to be its botched rescues in the crisis of 1997-98.『22words』

19、The planners reasoned that while many people would suffer or die from botched sterilizations or contraception, tens of thousands fewer women would die in childbirth.『25words』

20、A botched war, a botched trial and now a botched execution: Iraq obstinately refuses to behave in accordance with the script its American conquerors have written for it.『28words』



21、It was a short and gloomy reign, in a botched war that left Europe's most successful multinational state, the 11-nation monarchy run from Vienna and Budapest, beyond saving.『28words』

22、A collection of bad loans and other botched financial bets that caused big losses for Banks, prompted a credit crunch and sank the economy (Sept. 2008 to May 2009).『29words』

23、These failures caused the stimulus enacted in February 2009 to be botched in both in its design and its administration, resulting in the discrediting of deficit spending as a response to depression.『32words』

24、The NRA questions whether the U.S. is the source of drug cartels' guns, but some of the best proof that guns are moving from U.S. stores to Mexico is a botched ATF operation the NRA loudly criticized.『37words』

