

1、Retentio propter mores『3words』

2、Outsider Tart s 'mores brownies.『5words』

3、observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress.『10words』

4、Values and mores and practices are changing all the time.『10words』

5、He wrote of the ideas and mores of the time.『10words』



6、It also captures the social mores of the present day.『10words』

7、TV is having its inevitable effect on local mores around the world.『12words』

8、The essential element in the mores and in personal morality is consistency.『12words』

9、Ms. Charles learned other mores through careful observation, or trial and error.『12words』

10、Often such situations require a familiarity with language, customs, food, clothing and social mores.『14words』



11、Flatland is more than just a mathematical essay, it's also a treatise on Victorian social mores.『16words』

12、Much of the latest electronic guidance is sponsored from Saudi Arabia, and so reflects its conservative mores.『17words』

13、Thus in a changing world youth was faced with the challenge of bringing our mores up to date.『18words』

14、And others say they pick up useful knowledge about everything from changing fashion and mores to medical science.『18words』

15、Hostile to or disruptive of the established social order; marked by or engaging in behavior that violates accepted mores.『19words』

16、Public orders and Borus mores is an important principle of the civil law in the continental genealogy of law.『19words』

17、Histories make men wise; poets witty, the mathematics subtle; nature philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores.『24words』

18、Environmental photography matters, because it offers the lifeline of a bridge between our modern, denaturalised, mechanistic mores and the imperative of nature within and without.『25words』

19、It was a rich tapestry of culture and mores from which to draw from and it gave my brother and me a multi-faceted perspective at life.『26words』

20、The fragmentation of business markets, of social mores, of spiritual beliefs, of ethnicity, and of truth itself into tinier and tinier shards is the hallmark of this era.『28words』



21、Urgent act of rescue is non-forbidden item in Chinese criminal law and permitted and protected by criminal law. Statutory legality is its heart. However expecting possibility is applied in mores『30words』

22、Perhaps as an effect of the importation, Wahhabism takes a less strict form in Qatar than in Saudi Arabia, though it still governs a large portion of Qatari mores and rituals.『31words』

23、All civilizations and the cultures that nourish them have hierarchies, social institutions, language, art of all kinds, religion or a system of spiritual beliefs of some kind, laws, customs, mores, rituals (other than religious) and ceremonies.『36words』

24、In colonial Massachusetts, by judicial order, 32innocent persons were executed because, by the mores of the day, they were thought to be witches possessed of the devil.An obvious teaching is that common fears and biases make for poor justice.『39words』

