

1、In case of emergency, speak in cliches.『7words』

2、His speeches were full of tedious cliches.『7words』

3、These cliches, though, continue to make hungry artists unbearable.『9words』

4、I knew that my fantasized images were poor cliches.『9words』

5、Let me end today by questioning two cliches in particular.『10words』



6、One of his bad habits is to talk about cliches.『10words』

7、Her call for "commonsense conservatism" is a string of cliches.『10words』

8、Friends offered cliches: Some people just aren't meant for each other.『11words』

9、Most of them, however, mock the cliches used to deride European business.『12words』

10、VERY cliche I'm aware, but all good cliches are rooted in a truth.『13words』



11、In either case 90% of these movies are pure cliches - dumb and predictable.『14words』

12、Now some document empty words, cliches, talk downright nonsense, Jiawudiechuang, originally China "meetings" from this and come.『17words』

13、The Josh Hartnetts and Zhang Ziyis of the acting world need to be accompanied by timeless themes -not tired cliches.『20words』

14、You know that too often, the story of Africa is told in stereotypes and cliches about poverty, disease, and conflict.『20words』

15、Such a miracle happened to him, but he could only say these cliches, with those in school dignified leaders face.『20words』

16、But no matter how many or how few people are, nobody wants to waste their time listening to the old, well-known cliches.『22words』

17、For example Fowler condemned as "cliches" many phrases I'd never heard: "a curate's egg", "neither fish, flesh nor good red herring", and so on.『24words』

18、When you are a reading a straightforward sentence, or a paragraph full of tropes and cliches, you’re almost certainly relying on this ventral neural highway.『25words』

19、In terms of worn cliches, almost half of CVs typically state the person tends to 'work well independently,' and a third say they are a 'team player.'『27words』

20、Here also, Nottingham has the usual guff - a boutique here, a vintage clothes shop there - and a building which impressively avoids contemporary cliches without being entirely successful.『29words』



21、Liu Hui is not accustomed to saying such empty and empty official cliches. He just emphasized them at the end, but said they were for the two newcomers to listen to.『31words』

22、that is, it is expressed partly in cliches. These may range in complexity from simple set phrases and patterns of repetition to elaborate opening and closing devices or whole passages of traditional verbal stereotypes.『34words』

23、Do you have any idea how many people in the realms of so-called metaphysics are hypocrites or have no idea what they are talking about - spouting forth cliches of the 1990 grid programs?『34words』

24、When one cuts through the cliches of a "green New Deal" and other verbiage, the stark reality is that the party has no clue about what to do either in its first 100 days or thereafter.『36words』

