

1、persons who make or amend or repeal laws.『8words』

2、(E) each amendment, revision, or repeal of the foregoing.『9words』

3、It's high time to repeal this grossly unfair law.『9words』

4、The Republicans are promising to "repeal and replace" the bill.『10words』

5、He has planed to repeal a number of the current radical policies.『12words』



6、If they regain power, they are unlikely to repeal the whole thing.『12words』

7、Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and35% who Strongly Oppose it.『13words』

8、Abortion repeal is not a question of political expediency. it is part of something greater.『15words』

9、Before long, they began to hear rumors that these colleagues were planning to repeal the report.『16words』

10、Precisely for that reason, it could be argued, the decision to repeal DADT is a good one.『17words』



11、Even so the suspension, and the dramatic reshaping of Wall Street, represents the final repeal of Glass-Steagall.『17words』

12、But since the repeal of Glass-Steagall in1999, commercial banks and investment banks have jumped onto each other's turf.『18words』

13、The financial collapse was caused mainly by the repeal of regulations that had contained the speculative tendencies of bankers.『19words』

14、They want to undo the 1993 law, but Senate Republicans blocked an effort last month to vote on a repeal.『20words』

15、The repeal will not be enacted-the Senate or, if necessary, the President will see to that-but it will be debated.『20words』

16、This week, the House will take up the repeal of the health-care law as the new Republican majority’s first order of business.『22words』

17、I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution Ulysses S. Grant.『22words』

18、It was also mooted that he might repeal a ban on the niqab (the veil that covers a woman’s face) in universities.『22words』

19、Republicans have promised to cut federal spending, return unspent money from last year's stimulus act to the Treasury and repeal Mr. Obama's health-care law.『24words』

20、That hope was quickly put to the test in Congress where Republicans in the House voted to repeal the president’s health care law, including Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.『29words』



21、It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax.『30words』

22、Yet another bill would repeal a requirement for private equity firms to register with the S. E. c, in effect ignoring the systemic risks in leveraged pools of private capital.『30words』

23、Opposition politicians say that the repeal of the ISA may yet turn out to be more symbolic than real if the new laws are almost as harsh as the old ones.『31words』

24、As a system to guarantee that the people can directly involve in the justice, Jury system is further strengthened in the trial practice in China after argument between the deposit and repeal.『32words』

