

1、The robotic cat can wag its tail.『7words』

2、The tail is too big to wag.『7words』

3、wag the tail and flatter; fawn on『7words』

4、Characteristic of or resembling a wag;jocular or witty.『8words』

5、When a dog is happy, it will wag its tail.『10words』



6、The dog greets its master with a wag of its tail『11words』

7、Dogs show their teeth to warn, wag their tails to welcome.『11words』

8、Ditylenchus wag a very important group of parasitic nematode in Xinjiang.『11words』

9、Every time I go home, it will wag its tail to me.『12words』

10、“You might have gone there, you know, although you do abuse him so," continued the wag.『16words』



11、Watching Wang Yulong, Dan Xuxu and others wag their heads and leave the sight of Wang two.『17words』

12、It wag proved in practicce that this method improved greatly the accuracy and efficiency of that calculation.『17words』

13、Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. — Josh Billings.『18words』

14、When a puppy learns to walk, someone comes near it, and it is happy to wag its tail.『18words』

15、The British love a 'natter', a 'chat' and a 'chin-wag' - which is to say that we enjoy a conversation.『20words』

16、To make their land desolate, and a perpetual hissing; every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished, and wag his head.『21words』

17、If you meet someone you know very well, the puppy will jump up and wag its tail enthusiastically and be very happy.『22words』

18、As a wag once put it, an expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until, eventually, he knows everything about nothing.『26words』

19、Dogs, for example, will wag their tails, get down their front legs, and stick their behinds in the air to indicate "what follows is just for play".『27words』

20、To be truth, riding bicycle was really a little bit hard for me; I can't get the skill of controlling the balance so as to wag the bike in the process.『31words』



21、Some fish wag their tails, others shuttle freely between the grass and water, and others jump up and down on the surface of the water, as if to learn "carp jumping dragon gate"!『33words』

22、Scampy, when will you learn? I asked as I petted his head. He looked up at me with those trusting eyes and licked my hand, but he was too weak to wag his tail.『34words』

23、Moscow's thousands of stray dogs have something to wag their tails about - animal rights activists say the city has dropped a plan to round the dogs up and ship them to a camp far outside of town.『38words』

24、Three kennels down on the right, the old dog calmly sat there. Why should the old dog get excited? No one would want him. But, he sensed a need and couldn't resist offering a kind look and a gentle wag of the tail.『43words』

