1、However, acrimony is inevitable.『4words』
2、Marked by Bitterness and acrimony『5words』
3、But I aswell feel acrimony and despair.『7words』
4、This book review was written with acrimony.『7words』
5、The acrimony of his remarks alienated his audience.『8words』
6、They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness.『10words』
7、The second, and possibly last, trial starts amid controversy and acrimony.『11words』
8、Despite the potential for acrimony, business angels and venture capitalists have to work together.『14words』
9、The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony.『15words』
10、The only plausible means to alleviate the global acrimony is robust and more balanced economic growth.『16words』
11、And despite the acrimony, the passion, the jealousy, the bitterness, and the boozing, they continued seeing each other.『18words』
12、The words spoken from some people's mouths are full of acrimony, regardless of whether others accept them or not.『19words』
13、She no longer had the triumphant acrimony of mocking them on the road, but became a desolate, frightened woman.『19words』
14、The acrimony was aired on October 4th at a meeting organised by the Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, in Britain.『20words』
15、It is bad enough when trade talks break up in acrimony; how much worse that the Geneva gathering petered out amid complacency and apathy.『24words』
16、United Nations climate change meeting in Copenhagen last December broke up in acrimony, without a legally binding agreement on how to cut carbon emissions.『24words』
17、Later generations felt the helplessness and helplessness, bitterness and acrimony, resentment and anger of Shanren. They also appreciated Shanren's impoverished arrogance in despair and predicament.『25words』
18、The news is less encouraging in the holy land, where amid floundering peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians, acrimony over sacred turf is surging to new extremes.『27words』
19、It was an opportunity for the world to pull together and affect positive change but instead, decisions were made that planted seeds of societal acrimony and social unrest.『28words』
20、A drawn-out wrangle in the courts might produce more acrimony after a hard-fought and at times bitter campaign, although a legal scrap would be preferable to street violence.『28words』
21、Every lender or investor eventually will need his money back, and a legal document covering everything from the terms to the timing can avoid the kind of acrimony just described.『30words』
22、If suffer from a cold to notice the avoid on food eats even acrimony excitant food, do not want bathing shampoo to wait first as far as possible, lest accentuate because of catch a cold illness.『36words』
23、WHEN an infamous summit of world powers in London ended in 1933, such was the mood of protectionist acrimony that many argued it would have been better if the meeting had not been held at all.『36words』
24、Qian Zhongshu's humor shows us a kind of excellent wisdom, and it is the sensible of human affairs and wide range of knowledge and nimble thought that exceed the normal expression of happiness and banter, and show us the charm of ridicule, satire and acrimony.『45words』