

1、Her letter may purport her forthcoming arrival.『7words』

2、That is the destination and purport of my article.『9words』

3、Our loyal purport: Based on sincerity! Serve the first!『9words』

4、fully apprehended as to purport or meaning or explanation.『9words』

5、include the purport, the theory, the method and so on.『10words』



6、Certain advertisement might purport that their products have amazing effects.『10words』

7、Even now, there is someone else who gives us special purport in life.『13words』

8、Finally, the purport and means of cable network enterprise enhancing product management are analyzed.『14words』

9、These records not only have complicated sources, but also cultural purport of the special times.『15words』

10、Then it is impossible to purport to a strong objectivity in light of theory-ladenness and error in observation.『18words』



11、We meditate upon the purport of Your name, discuss Your name amongst ourselves, and chant Your name continuously.『18words』

12、This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use.『18words』

13、This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisionsof a contract .Users are responsible for itscorrect application.『19words』

14、The purport of the new administrative system reform is to strengthen the government's function in social administration and public service.『20words』

15、The purport of establishing an international nuclear regime is to regulate the action of using nuclear technology and to safeguard the human security.『23words』

16、On the base of analyzing opuses this dissertation explored the forming process of LiShaohong's work style and unscrambled the realistic purport of her opuses.『24words』

17、The pharmaceutical industry cannot, should not, and indeed does not purport to be responsible for the education of physicians in the use of drugs.『24words』

18、It is, allegedly, now the exclusive right of scientists to answer the three fundamental why-questions with which the authors purport to deal in their book.『25words』

19、Whenever myths purport to explain such matters as origins of geographic features, animal traits, rites, taboos, and customs, they are known as explanatory or etiological narratives.『26words』

20、The Ming and Qing novels fully show the purport of social life and cultural as encyclopedia so that we understand the social status and the fashion of that era.『29words』



21、It is the purport and standing point of this article tolet more people care for drum buildings and appreciate the artistic styles of drum buildings and the human sceneries of Dong nationality.『32words』

22、His company is developing three products derived from Iban remedies that purport to lower blood pressure, eliminate kidney stones, and" a local medicine that they say is the equivalent of Viagra for women," Mr.『34words』

23、The Chinese expression is fraught with import and purport imbedded in contemporary Chinese history, and is understood only by the Chinese people with singular reference to China's great statesman with his political achievements and splendid personality.『36words』

24、There was a murmur among the dignified and reverend occupants of the balcony; and Governor Bellingham gave expression to its purport, speaking in an authoritative voice, although tempered with respect towards the youthful clergyman whom he addressed:『37words』

