

1、For the assessor process manager.『5words』

2、He had been a fair and even-handed assessor.『8words』

3、Three, procedure fulfilling empaneling of the people"s assessor strictly;"『9words』

4、The right to a payout will be determined by an independent assessor.『12words』

5、How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors?『14words』



6、The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.『14words』

7、The assessor Management system selection rules are used to select the assessor to do the assessment.『16words』

8、Since the assessor has accepted the assessee's allowance, how can he talk about all fairly handled?『16words』

9、New Orleans now has one elected tax assessor - instead of seven, each overseeing his own fief.『17words』

10、Under this background, to meet the need of trial, the system of expert assessor comes into being.『17words』



11、The lack of a blinded outcome assessor may have caused detection bias when ulcer healing was assessed.『17words』

12、The assessor stated that the fire damage was not as severe as the hotel's owner had claimed.『17words』

13、You will have an opportunity to demonstrate your trade skills in the workplace to a tra approved assessor.『18words』

14、No registered price assessor needs to be accredited, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any state law or regulation.『19words』

15、The assessor system has played a positive role in China, but it is confronted with ceasing to exist except in name.『21words』

16、The partners with which the process communicates are represented by the UML partitions (also known as swimlanes): customer, assessor, and approver.『21words』

17、When seniors join a local circle, an assessor comes to see them to discuss whether they need help or to learn new skills.『23words』

18、The assessor returns a completed assessment report to the claims handler, who files the report, which starts the rest of the claims process.『23words』

19、The assessor may or may not revise this assessed value every few years, meaning that the appraised market value is likely to climb much more quickly.『26words』

20、People's assessor system, as an important part of the judicial system, has forced the realization and maintenance of judicatory democracy and democratic surveillance due to its multi-value nature.『28words』



21、Free valuation: we send a seasoned assessor to you to make a fee on-site valuation, as well as to answer any and all questions regarding preservation and shipping.『28words』

22、Article 11 When a people's assessor, as a member of the collegial panel, takes part in trial activities, he may exercise the right to vote for affirming the facts and applying the laws independently.『34words』

23、We have trained 8 people in the USA. 6 implementers were certified, 2 internal assessors and 5 lead assessors took the exams which are not yet graded. 1 one of these is another NSAI lead assessor.『36words』

24、Article 5 No member of the standing committee of the people's congress, no functionary of the people's court, the people's procuratorate, the public security organ, the state security organ, or the judicial administrative organ and no practicing lawyer may serve as a people's assessor.『44words』

