

1、The alcove held a couch.『5words』

2、He left the alcove in despair.『6words』

3、You should see an alcove with the trophy.『8words』

4、We partitioned off the alcove to make another bedroom.『9words』

5、Isabel, would you please join me in the dining alcove? Thank you.『12words』



6、My mother took pity and gave me a dry alcove for my growing collection.『14words』

7、They put her bed elsewhere in the apartment and converted the alcove into a closet.『15words』

8、The slightly bent form of the bench offers shelter and is reminiscent of an alcove.『15words』

9、You could, for example, reserve the room of your choice with an historical alcove bed.『15words』

10、They contain a family shrine known as a butsudan and a tokonoma - an alcove for displaying art.『18words』



11、In front of each alcove was a wall one cubit high, and the alcoves were six cubits square.『18words』

12、When the alcove was in use, a large serge curtain drawn from wall to wall concealed the altar.『18words』

13、Then he went to the table in the alcove, sat down, and took the diary out of the drawer.『19words』

14、I led him to an alcove next to the bar, where he lay on the cold cement and closed his eyes.『21words』

15、I want to risk it, to hurry from protected alcove to alcove, then make one mad dash through the worst of the falling projectiles-and pray.『25words』

16、On the lower level, two thin exhibition spaces flank the auditorium, while a small alcove underneath the angled roof is designed as a space for socialising.『26words』

17、The doors suddenly snapped apart; two droids strode in at a brisk pace, and Dooku slid quietly into a shadowed alcove to watch unnoticed from the sidelines.『27words』

18、In a twinkling, with all the vivacity of an ALERT old woman, Madame Magloire had rushed to the oratory, entered the alcove, and returned to the Bishop.『27words』

19、Allegedly, Henry secretly kept it in a heart-shaped casket in a church alcove in Suffolk, until it was rediscovered in 1836 and reburied underneath the church's organ.『27words』

20、Hillary and I were ushered into the Faubus' home and seated at a big round table in an all-glass alcove looking out on the Ozarks and the town below.『29words』



21、A large but ugly room, with an alcove and a bed at the end (they had been obliged to put up with this accommodation in view of the Sunday crowd);『30words』

22、To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in which Winston was now sitting, and which, when the flats were built, had probably been intended to hold bookshelves.『30words』

23、“ One such lunch was at the Garrick Club,there is an area, just in front of the entrance, an alcove with a fire at the back of it, which is absolutely forbidden to women.『34words』

24、And I am literally sitting, in a burnt-orange alcove designed to frame a giant plant pot, because this is the one nook of the pool where I can be up to my chin in the water and also not be in the sun.『43words』

