

1、The leaders were determined to thwart her.『7words』

2、So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely.『8words』

3、The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.『10words』

4、I don't want to totally thwart survival of the fittest.『10words』

5、Mr Klestadt said a suppression order also would not thwart anyone planning revenge attacks.『14words』



6、“I do this to thwart information harvesting that commercial Web sites usually have," he adds.『15words』

7、The junta tried its utmost to thwart the relatively benign outcome that now seems possible.『15words』

8、I limit and thwart by my act of possession, no matter how kind my intention.『15words』

9、The next sections describe how to use the packages to thwart specific mashup security threats.『16words』

10、If regulation makes competition less intense, it blunts companies' incentives to raise productivity and thwart their rivals.『17words』



11、The best you can hope for is that other people won't thwart your efforts to make yourself happy.『18words』

12、Until recently, fingerprinting was used mainly to prevent illegal copying of computer software or to thwart credit-card fraud.『18words』

13、Police and other law enforcement officials say plenty of new technology is now available to also help thwart the thieves.『20words』

14、Perhaps an architect alone can't thwart a multi-billion dollar fraud, but architects can help to ensure businesses maintain profits, integrity, and reputation.『22words』

15、There was one thwart set as low as possible, a kind of stretcher in the bows, and a double paddle for propulsion.『22words』

16、UN reform efforts, after all, are stalled. But the offer will embarrass China, which has quietly worked to thwart India's ambitions for a permanent seat.『25words』

17、Looking ahead, I realize that this year I must find seed for very thick-skinned tomatoes to try to thwart the stinkbugs. Maybe that will work.『25words』

18、Their general objective is to thwart us in our task of armed resistance in defence of the motherland and to accomplish their aggressive plan for subjugating China.『27words』

19、I work with the finest bariatric surgeons in the U.S. They are dedicated to helping their patients lose weight in an effort to thwart diseases, and minimize current disease progression.『30words』

20、Eager to thwart the deal, the government has invested special powers in CNE, which is Spain's energy regulator and is controlled by a board that is close to the government.『30words』



21、These huddle with LDP members, the cosmetically enhanced politician included, who resent the resurgence under Mr Abe of grubby factional politics and backbenchers with the power to thwart market-oriented policy.『30words』

22、This year, with only 41 seats (and one race, in Minnesota, still not settled), Republicans can thwart Mr Obama's agenda only if they remain perfectly united. That is always hard.『30words』

23、“Since the business of banking is to take on and manage risk, any broad-based attempt to thwart risk-taking is likely to see it reappear in less transparent forms," Mr Rajan told the conference.『33words』

24、The regeneration of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is shifting into higher gear as it takes delivery of a new generation of home-grown arms and steps up the development of sophisticated asymmetric technologies designed to thwart more advanced adversaries.『40words』

