

1、I wanted to savour every moment.『6words』

2、Touch me, trust me savour each sensation!『7words』

3、For Emma, life had lost its savour.『7words』

4、Would be a shame not to savour you.『8words』

5、Oil sizzling in the pan sounds exciting to savour.『9words』



6、A book to savour long after the Olympic games are over.『11words』

7、Take heed of the downs and savour the rewards of your achievements.『12words』

8、Dennis Bergkamp has a portfolio of classic goals to savour from his Arsenal career.『14words』

9、And this week brought a moment to savour for Derkach in the battle between the two.『16words』

10、Unleash the audiophile in you and savour the enhanced sounds from your MP3-CD through powerful, dynamic speakers.『17words』



11、When Bertha vowed that life had lost all savour, that her ennui was unending she exaggerated as usual.『18words』

12、I cannot sleep and my food has no savour and my eyes are darkened because of her beauty.『18words』

13、At first it had only amused her, but the most subtle jest may lose its savour after three years.『19words』

14、But there are offbeat neighborhoods to explore and old-fashioned towns nearby where you can still savour something of bygone days.『20words』

15、Dine and savour at your favourite restaurant or choose to sit outdoors with a cuppa and soak in the laid back ambience.『22words』

16、Many travellers are now on their second or third visit to Europe: group Tours are duly slowing down and stopping to savour local culture.『24words』

17、Green vegetables in the best ways, is in the boiling water, try not to rapid ironed add seasoning, and strive to light, savour natural flavour.『25words』

18、 As the savour of brandy spread from the mouth to the whole body, Shengang reveled in the sense of security gained after the removal of two women.『28words』

19、And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of the offering made by fire for a sweet savour: all the fat is the LORD's.『29words』

20、I have not come across much of golden pollen in her lotus bank, but have nothing to complain of as regards the profusion of the sweet savour of good-fellowship.『29words』



21、Guilin take creating national environmental protection exemplary city as motivity to construct the city of the most suitable people living improve the management level, image and savour of the city.『30words』

22、Readers of“ Intuition”, however, will battle with themselves over whether to savour Allegra Goodman's exquisite★ filleting[2] of character, as the scientists are themselves dissected like their experimental mice, or to rush★ headlong[3] to find out what happens next.『38words』

23、Each time he saw a well he went over to have an- other drink, not so much to quench his thirst as to savour the coolness of the water. Trickling down his throat to his stomach it made him shiver, his pores suddenly contracting in a most refreshing way.『49words』

24、As long as people live, the pace of running will not stop. Life is like a mess. There is no way out. As you grow older and savour the hardships of your life, your heart becomes extremely strong. You do not expect big fortune and great expense. You only want your family to be safe and healthy.『57words』

