

1、“ I cannot placate the Left,” he grumbles.『8words』

2、The concessions did little to placate the students.『8words』

3、Bankers are desperately trying to placate their critics.『8words』

4、As Israeli prime ministers have sought to placate right-wingers.『9words』

5、His intent is clearly not to placate his critics.『9words』



6、He smiled, and made a gesture intended to placate me.『10words』

7、Accommodation failed to placate the critics and may have demoralized supporters of a strong defense.『15words』

8、) and to placate their thirst for souls will attack humans to eat the souls.『15words』

9、The talks aren't all about a weakling US trying to placate the powerful landlord from Beijing.『16words』

10、The various accounting bodies are trying to placate the politicians while avoiding watering down standards too much.『17words』



11、The first excerpt is from Numbers 14, and it shows Moses' ability to placate the wrath of God.『18words』

12、It will never be as influential as China, a country America knows it must placate as well as chide.『19words』

13、The more you creep and crawl trying to placate him, the more pleasure he gets in taking it out on you.『21words』

14、To placate old and new site members, this 2.0 version of the site needs to make sure it's dependably usable at all times.『23words』

15、Dalian's party chief, Tang Jun, tried to placate the crowd by standing atop a police van, promising through a megaphone that the plant would be relocated.『26words』

16、To placate those who wanted to see a stricter version, some senators were pushing a provision that would give regulators less say in how to enforce the rule.『28words』

17、Often been the farmers and their exports that have rescued the economy only to see populist governments in Buenos Aires plunder the Pampas to placate their urban voters.『28words』

18、Evra concedes that Owen's strike was vital not only for the points and to placate manager Sir Alex Ferguson, but also to deal City's cash-powered revolution an early setback.『29words』

19、The cafeteria is now being operated by the school, said a teacher there who spoke to the Global Times on condition of anonymity, amid efforts to placate the students.『29words』

20、Although Yi might not be the big piece to placate Kobe Bryant, he'd be an intriguing acquisition. His style of play would seem to mesh well on paper with Bynum.『30words』



21、That may be good news for the state as shareholder, but it does not placate Czech consumers, who pay electricity prices that are among the highest in Europe on a purchasing-power basis.『32words』

22、It is a stunning look at the Orwellian nature of how bureaucrats for the State spin their lies and try to recreate reality (I assume to placate their bosses and tell them what they want to hear).『37words』

23、Sally felt a pang, but tried to conceal it under a shuffling attempt to save his case by changing the form of it--as if changing the form while retaining the juice could deceive the expert he was trying to placate.『40words』

24、By the time of Song. the tribe under Li Yuanhao had become quite strong, often intruding into Song territory for plunder and pillage. To placate them, a Song emperor gave his own surname Zhao to the tribe along with a large amount of gold and silver.『46words』

