

1、Experiments prove that this model can get higher linear speedup.『10words』

2、How can I speedup data transfer from memory to CPU?『10words』

3、Getting a speedup of 50 to 60% still seems worthwhile.『10words』

4、Cooperate with other countries to speedup development of plastic industry in China;『12words』

5、The speedup was consistent across several runs, but fairly insignificant either way.『12words』



6、Results show that this Beowulf system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency.『15words』

7、Heterogeneous computing is a new branch of parallel processing and expected to reach super speedup.『15words』

8、The theoretical analyses and numerical experiments on distributed-memory multicomputers have proved that its speedup is approximate to linearity.『18words』

9、Examples show that the proposed parallel substructure conjugate gradient method can achieve better parallel speedup ratio for network.『18words』

10、The experiment has improved that the proposed method can speedup the medical image transmission and reviewing in PACS effectively.『19words』



11、Results of the experiments obtain satisfied speedup and parallel efficiency, and prove the feasibility and validity of this solution.『19words』

12、Based on foe analysis of the results, the size of subtask and the speedup of the parallel computing are discussed.『20words』

13、Experiment results show that under the limit condition the asynchronous parallel simulation could gain much higher speedup than its synchronous counterpart.『21words』

14、Later, discussed the importance to speedup the reformation and management system innovation of war industry and academe with the back ground of socialism market economy.『25words』

15、The passage combined it FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain), and did an initial discussion then got a good result, the speedup rate was nearly reached 1.8.『26words』

16、I first completed testing using the Pthreaded code just to take a look at the speedup provided by the PPE symmetric multithreading to the Fibonacci worker threads.『27words』

17、Deeply studied the length of the 486 instructions, frequency in using of the instructions, the character of the instruction encoder. Brought out the design idea to speedup decoding.『28words』

18、Use this flag in cases where you know that parallel execution of the query will result in speedup, but PLINQ in the Default mode would execute it as sequential.『29words』

19、We seem to have hit the limits of linear speedup for hardware, but in many cases, we could win a couple of orders of magnitude back from the software.『29words』

20、This speedup is due to the fact that the array is a fixed size, not a variable-sized one like the default PHP one is, and that non-numeric indexes are not allowed.『31words』



21、This speedup is still probably less than the speed of a similar application in C, and it is certainly less than the 100x speedup that a few isolated Psyco test cases exhibit.『32words』

22、I noticed that a sort benchmark on 500 notes is 20x faster than a year ago. Has there been one magic bullet or an aggregation of items that has influenced the speedup『32words』

23、While many programs do see a speedup with the server JVM, the speedup you see here is simply a measure of a badly written benchmark, not the blazing performance of the server JVM.『33words』

24、Preliminary evaluation results showed that sub voxel accuracy could be achieved with this approach and the registration progress could also be speedup exceedingly. The new algorithm we presented is a very robust and automated multi modality registration method with high accuracy.『41words』

