

1、He is quite stocky.『4words』

2、stocky short-legged harness horse.『4words』

3、He was short and stocky.『5words』

4、It has a stocky, muscular body.『6words』

5、stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal.『6words』



6、He is stocky though not chubby.『6words』

7、stocky breed of pony with a fawn-colored nose.『8words』

8、He always feels ashamed for his short, stocky figure.『9words』

9、large stocky grebe of circumpolar regions having a dark neck.『10words』

10、his was short and stocky; short in stature; a short smokestack.『11words』



11、English breed of strong stocky dog having a broad skull and smooth coat.『13words』

12、I think my legs look stocky , so I rarely wear such short shorts.『14words』

13、The booming voice of the stocky, dark-haired man shattered the intense quiet and made me jump.『16words』

14、Despite his stocky frame and his paunch, the hand holding the fountain pen was delicate, thin-fingered.『16words』

15、My mother was a short stocky woman, who always bent over the table to read the newspaper.『17words』

16、breed of small stocky black dogs originally used as watchdogs on boats in the Netherlands and Belgium.『17words』

17、stocky coarse-furred burrowing rodent with a short bushy tail found throughout the northern hemisphere; hibernates in winter.『17words』

18、In appearance, Donahue was stocky, and had a cherubic face which made him look younger than the forty-nine he was.『20words』

19、These species also differ morphologically: grass dwellers are slender with long tails, tree-dwellers are stocky with long legs, twig dwellers are slender but stubby-legged.『24words』

20、“Bulldog:any of a breed of short-haired dog characterized by a large head, strong, square jaws with dewlaps, and a stocky body. It was originally bred for bullbaiting."『27words』



21、Fat young men in T-shirts sculpted to their rounded bellies, their stocky bottoms and thighs artificially enlarged by the empty, flapping pockets that covered their knee-length shorts.『27words』

22、The hair came from a male of the Saqqaq culture and analysis of the genome shows that the hair's owner was probably stocky and had dark skin and brown eyes.『30words』

23、This Ching was not a real general, of course, but merely a stocky, red-faced wanderer who had chanced to be near Peking one day when the emperor's henchmen required an army in a hurry.『34words』


上一篇:fix up造句,用fix up怎么造句子(23句)