

1、They were not tailors.『4words』

2、The best tailors tailored him.『5words』

3、Would you recommend some tailors『5words』

4、Mr. Jones tailors for the king.『6words』

5、Would you take me to the tailors『7words』



6、chalk used by tailors to make temporary marks on cloth.『10words』

7、Guild membership held very different meanings for tailors and seamstresses.『10words』

8、I went to the tailors to try on my new suit.『11words』

9、Coming from a family of tailors, Jiang started his Shanghai tailor shop in 1994.『14words』

10、“My clothes are the best in the world." One day, two tailors planned a trick.『15words』



11、It also tailors the software experience to an individual user's business role, skill, and task.『15words』

12、Tesco is expanding in placeslike eastern Europe and China, where it tailors supermarkets to local conditions.『16words』

13、the tailors themselves, so neat, so clean, so deft, are busy with the pins and the chalk.『17words』

14、Not surprisingly, tailors at the funkier edge of suiting such as Ozwald Boateng have adopted the look.『17words』

15、The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to scissors for tailors, hairdressers etc.『17words』

16、 The inhabitants of these free prisons, apart from a few vicious tailors like robbers and thieves, are poor, nameless scholars.『21words』

17、In China we are lucky that there are still tailors working so we can have "tailor made" or "made to measure" clothing.『22words』

18、Colonial tailors, hatters, and other small clothes manufacturers could continue to make any item of dress in their households or small shops.『22words』

19、Chalk made of a soft, white variety of talc, used by tailors for marking fabrics and by dry cleaners for removing grease spots.『23words』

20、Now any compiler or application software just grabs the scan code from the ESC key and tailors the action to what it wants.『23words』



21、This article describes a use case in which a sales manager consolidates data from her staff and then tailors that data into a personalized dashboard using IBM Mashup Center.『29words』

22、Enter the ancient town of Hoi an, one of Vietnam's most charming cities (think a sort of Southeast Asian Venice), under UNESCO protection since 1999 and home to over 400 custom tailors.『32words』

23、To the tailors, their status as guild members overlapped with their role as heads of household, and entitled them to employ as seamstresses female family members who did not marry outside the trade.『33words』

