

1、Three fives are fifteen.『4words』

2、She counted the eggs in fives.『6words』

3、Mrs Smith teaches the rising fives.『6words』

4、I would like two tens and six fives, please.『9words』

5、Her colleagues greeted her with cheers, hugs and high-fives.『9words』



6、Five tens, five fives and the rest in ones, please.『10words』

7、This well is fives times as deep as that one.『10words』

8、High-fives, hugs, hand-shakes, armtaps are accepted public forms of touch.『10words』

9、It took her fives years to know how to appreciate cubic paintings.『12words』

10、More than one-third of the world's 150m malnourished under-fives live in India.『12words』



11、Not bad for fives years' work by the son of a peasant farmer.『13words』

12、At least 50 people have been reported dead in neighorhood leveled in fives states.『14words』

13、We are fifty-five fifty with a client on five million Salts fives of thirty-five. Clear.『15words』

14、More than 80% of the under-fives who ended up in hospital had no previous health problems.『16words』

15、Get your high-fives ready, Apple fans, because we've got some nice hardware news for you today.『16words』

16、On the whole (with big variations), they spent more money on older children than on under-fives.『16words』

17、I was getting the high fives and the low fives and the pats on the back. I was cool.『19words』

18、You deserve a hug, pat on the back, or at least one of those 80’s freeze-frame jumping high fives.『19words』

19、That night, back at the White House, he stood with his aides at the door of the solarium up on the third floor, slapping out high fives.『27words』

20、Everyone holds their breath as Tom slowly lifts the interlocked design and places it on the vertical nail. As he lets go, there's a spontaneous burst of applause and high-fives.『30words』



21、When it did, he turned to the bench, a look of pure jubilation on his face, and doled out hugs and high-fives to everyone before holding his arms up in Rocky-like triumph.『32words』

22、In Jiao Tong University, GPA 3.5 is very high. So if your GPA is about 3.0, you will have the opportunity to enter the interview, especially the big fives interview. Second is the language skill.『35words』

23、The positive integer by which the weight of the digit place is multiplied to obtain the weight of the digit place with the next higher weight, for example, in the decimal numeration system the radix of each digit place is 10, in a biquinary code the radix of each fives position is 2.『53words』

