

1、They accredit these views to him.『6words』

2、In PGP system, accredit is bilateral immediate impact.『8words』

3、That should see you think his accredit what.『8words』

4、The United Statesdepartment of education does not accredit schools.『9words』

5、The United States Department Education does not accredit schools.『9words』



6、We accredit the invention of the telephone to bell.『9words』

7、Besides, this system possesses strong purview management function and accredit regulation.『11words』

8、Any accredit users can get relevant video information through the network.『11words』

9、Zhong Nashan is not message be issuanced by whose accredit probably.『11words』

10、Information of the application form may be reviewed by the accredit organization.『12words』



11、Conclusion to carry out laboratory results mutual accredit can raise the level of whole laboratories.『15words』

12、To the accredit of other semiconductor manufacturer we can spread out in the end of the year.『17words』

13、We propose that AQSIQ and CIQ accredit importers and operator handling imported meat products on an annual basis.『18words』

14、There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system , accredit capital system, compromise capital system.『18words』

15、The plethora of agencies that finance, accredit, inspect and audit subsidised apprenticeships underwent various changes, leaving employers ever more confused.『20words』

16、It looks at three ai processes: acquire and maintain application software, manage changes, and install and accredit solutions and changes.『20words』

17、The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is an independent statutory body with the authority to approve, assess and accredit all post-internship medical training.『23words』

18、Nuojiya is drafting one includes protection of game , ring, screen, image and video inside catalog of network of content of accredit mobile phone.『24words』

19、Add close client and server join to be able to make with this kind of form not accredit user consults extremely hard the data of come-and-go.『26words』

20、Party can be changed to accredit limits of the attorney, can expand or narrow, after dealership is changed, should inform people of court and the opposing party.『27words』



21、On the positive side, Schneidman pointed to Flexner's push for a process by which to accredit medical schools, now embodied in the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).『28words』

22、Consumer reads his to sell accredit book to agency search, former certificate yield a country and importer taste the card such as customs declaration, can expose a few peep show.『30words』

23、This should look be put in these data on public network to review the accredit way that see, if do not need special designation id can be read look to cannot calculate confidential data.『34words』

