

1、The gopher takes the beets.『5words』

2、such as beets, onions, corn, apples,『6words』

3、They planted many beets this year.『6words』

4、Agriculture: wheat, corn, barley, sugar beets; beef.『7words』

5、sucrose from sugar beets used as sweetening agent.『8words』



6、crop grown for its enlarged roots: e.g. beets; potatoes; turnips.『10words』

7、through fields of oats and sugar beets and past apple orchards,『11words』

8、a translucent crystalline compound found in sugar cane and sugar beets and unripe grapes.『14words』

9、The use of beets in this soup lend the dish a vibrant red color.『14words』

10、Food sources for calcium fluoride are egg yolks, whole grain rye, yogurt, beets, fish and oysters.『16words』



11、Agricultural products: maize, sugar, beets, wheat, potatoes, grapes, olives, citrus fruit, beef, pigs, dairy products, eggs.『16words』

12、We talked last week about growing beets. Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots.『17words』

13、To make table sugar, the sugar from beets and cane essentially is squeezed out of the plants.『17words』

14、The beets have a new gene, created in the laboratory, which allows them to tolerate the weedkiller Roundup.『18words』

15、She says she grows gourds, including pumpkin, as well as green beans, red amaranth, beets, carrots, cauliflower and more.『19words』

16、Even spinach and beets are not exempt, since they're high in oxalic acid, which is harmful in large quantities.『19words』

17、Always avoid salted meats, coarse vegetables (beets, carrots, and turnips), cheese, Fried food, pastry, rich desserts, confections, condiments, tea, coffee, and iced water.『23words』

18、That could take a couple of years. So unless there's a new legal twist, farmers will go back to planting conventional beets next spring.『24words』

19、In summer, leeks, beets, cabbage, radish, coriander and tomatoes grow vigorously, not only to satisfy their families' consumption, but also to cut and feed chickens.『25words』

20、This category of vegetables overlaps the cruciferous family and includes chard, spinach and beets (by virtue of the leaves, but the red root is healthy, too).『26words』



21、Prescription medicine usually comes in pill bottles, but in some parts of the United States, foods like artichokes, beets, spinach, and apples have also become part of the doctor's Arsenal.『30words』

22、If you're a pescatarian, open your eyes wide and take in the glory of this pie which is layered with beets, mayo, potatoes, diced hard boiled eggs and, of course, herring.『31words』

23、But at present many more Albertans are farmers, who raise millions of tons of wheat, oats and barley, the also plant sugar beets and potatoes in the southern part of the province.『32words』

