


2、caustic; acrimonious; catty『3words』

3、She's always catty.『3words』

4、Motorcyclists cut catty-cornered across his yard.『6words』

5、All right, half a catty, please.『6words』



6、Eggs are sold by the catty.『6words』

7、One yuan and fifty cents a catty, very sweet.『9words』

8、There was a police car catty-corner across the street.『9words』

9、Do you charge for shrimp by pound or by catty『10words』

10、set off in a catty-corner direction across the vacant lot.『10words』



11、Eggs are sold by the dozen in U.S.A., by the catty here.『12words』

12、Is your puss a bit catty, the sort to scratch and hiss when handled?『14words』

13、Tang Guo Chongqing fat silver carp grand red listed, special 10 yuan per catty, please concern, Enjoy!『17words』

14、 Individual household tofu a catty, water is big, thin, fry in the pot can not be dumplings.『18words』

15、Yesterday I went to the supermarket and buy two bananas, two jins of apple, a catty of pears. Very happy.『20words』

16、After such a downpour, the price of a catty of grain might drop half a copper, but that couldn't make up for their losses.『24words』

17、The fan smell speech wail aloud to weep aloud, suddenly stir up inspiration, he exactly cried a half catty a tears square have the wish fulfilled.『26words』

18、God said:"When I made zhe woman, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to catty the weight of the world: gentle enough to give comfort."『29words』

19、A large number of Weng Weng, giant bottles in hand, pointing straight to the sky, a catty, two Jin, bottom of the cup drunk, full of wine Huan, full face wine red.『32words』

20、 Just the afternoon before yesterday, the woman in her fifties folded the last catty of mustard by three folds. She went into Ruisheng Pharmacy by rickets and bought two bottles of anti-inflammatory eye drops.『35words』



21、The waiter nodded in a non-committal way and left. He had no sooner got out of the door than Mr. Pan called him back. "Bring me a catty of Shaoxing wine and ten cents of smoked fish.『37words』

22、“Even today, some view the Black cat as an omen of misfortune. Even the English language is stacked against the moggy. Spiteful people are dubBed as being "catty". A raucous cry is a "caterwaul". At work, a greedy, lazy Boss is a "fat cat"."『44words』

23、 Now love is playing chess leisurely under the lamp. It is sunny after snow and the sky will be late. Yellow wine and vinegar fish are warming on the red mud stove. A catty of bamboo leaves are green and they drink together tacitly and silently.『47words』

