

1、restock the freezer for Christmas『5words』

2、They know that they cannot restock.『6words』

3、restock the library shelves with new books『7words』

4、When the item sells the suppliers can restock it.『9words』

5、Yes, we can restock it in time this way.『9words』



6、Use an automated subscription service, like Amazon, to restock supplies.『10words』

7、Customers are beginning to restock and assembly lines are running again.『11words』

8、Compensation schemes in Vietnam are helping bird flu-affected poultry farm ers restock.『12words』

9、And many companies may soon place big orders to restock their shelves.『12words』

10、You already know what you have so it's a great time to restock.『13words』



11、Meet with appropriate departments to discuss current material inventories, and establish restock levels or just-in-time strategies.『16words』

12、A revival in prices is then anticipated early in 2009 as distributors restock after the Winter drawdown.『17words』

13、In reality, you would need to expose an interface method, such as addInventory (product item), to restock a product.『19words』

14、Should not be a problem, but it will probably take them a day or two to restock the empty space.『20words』

15、The ReleaseObject method internally uses a private ReturnToPool method to restock the pool with the given object, shown in Figure 5 .『22words』

16、The drop in inventory may presage surging imports as firms restock, meaning that growing demand will simply flow abroad, as has often happened.『23words』

17、Through an extensive computerized system, TAL can stock and restock shirt shelves in all 1,100 of Penney's retail stores in the United States, as demand warrants.『26words』

18、The PM Floor Supervisor is required to check all pantries and advise the overnight staff to restock where necessary so there are adequate supplies for the following morning.『28words』

19、I willl talk to the department manager about it. Should not be a problem, but it will probably take them a day or two to restock the empty space.『29words』

20、For the rejected material, the supplier should take back the nonconformance within 10 days. Associate with the buyer about the restock issue. Otherwise, we will handle it as the scrap.『30words』



21、In response, peasants up and down the amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes.『30words』

22、Indeed, things are so bad that it is generally assumed that they cannot get any worse, and will instead improve over the next six months as the inventory cycle turns and firms restock.『33words』

23、After your orders, we will try to restock the products that are temporary out of stock in 14 business days. We will full refund your order in the 15th day if we can't find any more.『36words』

