

1、The details that police allege are horrific.『7words』

2、Critics allege that the government has ulterior motives.『8words』

3、Since why to love I can allege no cause.『9words』

4、Yeah, well, I allege that you guys thoroughly suck.『9words』

5、Fees, they allege, deter potential students, especially from poor families.『10words』



6、Local Iraqi officials allege farmers have looted the oil site.『10words』

7、Yet critics in China allege this has not always made it more responsible.『13words』

8、The police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.『14words』

9、Parks was subjected to threats, misrepresentations and coercion, the family members allege in the complaint.『15words』

10、Prosecutors allege she went beyond her powers, complicit, they said, in the embezzlement of public funds.『16words』



11、But it would be too hasty to allege such a contrast given that I didn't really know them.『18words』

12、In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime .『18words』

13、Some theories allege that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, or that his birth certificate is a forgery.『19words』

14、Now China the fisherman pass by there, return is grasp by the Japanese, allege illegal drive into Japan territorial waters.『20words』

15、Ms Park, the prosecutors allege, was an active participant in this racket, ordering her aides to help Ms Choi extract her payouts.『22words』

16、“No one will now be able to allege that Israel is acting irresponsibly," wrote Aluf Benn, a columnist for the Israeli daily Haaretz.『23words』

17、Netizens allege that some guests do not enter the show to date, but merely to get a toehold in the world of show business.『24words』

18、Though close to the palace, Mr Samak is a foe of General Prem Tinsulanonda, the king's chief adviser and, Thaksinites allege, mastermind of the coup.『25words』

19、They allege that Moscow's veteran 73-year-old mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, has manipulated the vote in advance to ensure a landslide victory for his pro-Kremlin United Russia party.『26words』

20、The plaintiffs who have brought a class action on behalf of 1.5 million current and former female Wal-Mart employees allege that they, too, faced discrimination in pay and promotion.『29words』



21、At least, that is what numerous websites allege; also that it has ties to al-Qaeda, is hiding the cure for cancer and wishes to merge the United States with Mexico.『30words』

22、Rush through to come later on of victimize woman to allege that man in the bead Hui ward national tax branch office entrance to alley its gold earring bear away.『30words』

23、The lawsuits allege that "certain of Toyota's cars and trucks have a defect that causes sudden uncontrolled acceleration to speeds of up to 100 MPH or more," the Los Angeles Times reported Monday.『33words』

