

1、be all mixed up or jumbled together.『7words』

2、In a jumbled, confused manner;helter - skelter.『7words』

3、The watch parts fell apart and jumbled up.『8words』

4、These words are jumbled up and don't make sense.『9words』

5、On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires『10words』



6、Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor.『10words』

7、That's how prelude and interlude get jumbled, so let it be.『11words』

8、Seen at ground level, the designs are a jumbled senseless mess.『11words』

9、The numbers are not in sequence, they are all jumbled up.『11words』

10、They may appear jumbled, but people who worked together and died together are grouped together.『15words』



11、All their stories have jumbled together, and their faces no longer attach themselves to names.『15words』

12、In another example, altitude details were jumbled until the pilot asked passengers to turn off their gizmos.『17words』

13、Here, a chaos of carts, overthrown and jumbled together, lay topsy-turvy at the bottom of a steep unnatural hill;『19words』

14、They seemed to go on forever, a jumbled mess of happy memories, each one partially obscured by blinding white light.『20words』

15、On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires for recharging mobile phones, cameras, netbooks, MP3 players and other portable gizmos.『22words』

16、All the threads get jumbled up, and timing issues mean that the output statements are not going to come out in relative thread order.『24words』

17、To show a sense of syntax in the animals, Abe's team played jumbled "ungrammatical" remixes of finch songs to the birds and measured the response calls.『26words』

18、He also taught birds unnatural grammatical rules by habituating them to one of his jumbled versions, then gauging their reactions to remixed versions that violated the "artificial" rules.『28words』

19、Mountains of water ice towered above smooth plains, jumbled together as if ancient tectonic forces had pushed them across a sea of soft nitrogen ice like drifting icebergs.『28words』

20、The birds reacted to only one of the four jumbled versions, called SEQ2, as if they noticed it violated some rule of grammar, whereas the other three remixes didn't.『29words』



21、If the innards of each pig are Petri dishes where genes are jumbled and dashed together, then possible pandemic flu viruses have been stewing on hog farms for decades.『29words』

22、The reason people say this is that unlike many minerals glass isn't formed into crystals but made up of its constituent molecules all jumbled together at random as they would be in a liquid.『34words』

23、At the mention of Monte Cristo Dantès started with joy; he rose to conceal his emotion, and took a turn around the smoky tavern, where all the languages of the known world were jumbled in a lingua franca.『38words』

