

1、Chemistry isn't a litany of facts.『6words』

2、Dr. Middleton bowed to the litany.『6words』

3、a desk at which the litany is recited.『8words』

4、The litany of non-policy questions produced a bizarre debate.『9words』

5、The television news was a daily litany of bombings and killings.『11words』



6、In most countries that would count as a litany of failure.『11words』

7、There are so many of them, a 7 litany of desperate voices.『12words』

8、She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.『14words』

9、We've all heard that anti-parent litany: Other moms and dads don't spend time with their children;『16words』

10、During my research Odyssey, I have examined a litany of topics related to selling and sales management.『17words』



11、There is no need to repeat the litany of disappointment that such prognostications have produced over the years.『18words』

12、Data is a list of temperatures, a litany of recent sales, or an inventory of parts on hand.『18words』

13、But as you saw from a little litany of key safety issues, they've been around for a very long time.『20words』

14、Community leaders say downtown office towers and new professional sports teams can't eclipse the woeful litany of unmet needs that feed juvenile crime.『23words』

15、Harkham’s thin, descriptive lines bring humanity and soul to a topic that could easily degenerate into a litany of LA and film references.『23words』

16、Since becoming a topic of widespread worry about five years ago, the changing pH of the oceans has been added to the litany of environmental woes.『26words』

17、As Mercury reviews the details of recent weeks, the secret of your success will be not allowing that review to devolve into an inner litany of regret.『27words』

18、Her recent four-day trip to the Cardamom Mountains turned into a litany of mishaps – from impassable rivers and unrideable tracks to broken bikes and – ultimately – bodies.『29words』

19、Short people know the sad litany all too well: Numerous studies show that they probably earn less than taller colleagues. They get fewer dates as well as fewer promotions.『29words』

20、The Guardian described the U. S. leader as quote"increasingly isolated" on the world stage, as he defied intense criticism from a litany of world leaders over the war on Iraq.『30words』



21、The shops are already packed with thermals. Yes, winter's definitely knocking at the door. But it needn't bring with it the usual litany of coughs and sneezes, dry skin and cold hands.『32words』

22、But as I reached toward her outstretched hand, Againye's tiny mother sprinted over and leaped between us, spewing a litany of what I assumed to be curses in the direction of the aunt.『33words』

23、For the next 2 weeks, as she happily chirped about her new salary (bigger than mine) and office (with a window), an evil litany ran through my brain, and a gnawing, acidic feeling settled in my gut.『37words』

