

1、LBO (leveraged buyout)『3words』

2、In the future, managers will be invited to manage buyout.『10words』

3、It is thought that a management buyout is one option.『10words』

4、S. buyout firm TPG in 2006 to run the firm.『10words』

5、But Yahoo may not be able to avoid a buyout by Microsoft.『12words』



6、So is Zuckerberg being greedy — holding out for a bigger money buyout『13words』

7、To take a publicly owned company into private ownership, as by a leveraged buyout.『14words』

8、People are angling for new jobs at hedge funds, corporate buyout shops, boutique Banks and startups.『16words』

9、The solution now is to partner on the buyout with select, large holders of Yahoo stock.『16words』

10、This should filter all of the items with outlandish buyout prices to the bottom of the list.『17words』



11、Last year, the Xinsi smelter's parent company, the Gansu Luo Ba Nonferrous Group, went private in a management buyout.『19words』

12、For a detailed illustration of the mechanics of an LBO transaction, see Exhibit 2, which models a hypothetical buyout scenario.『20words』

13、That is the choice faced by some buyout firms sitting on piles of capital they have raised but not invested.『20words』

14、With development of capital operation, main financial invention consists of enterprise buyout loan, multiple level bond, management buyout, share rent and so on.『23words』

15、Article 3 the scope of the kinds of bonds bought back through buyout shall be the same as the bonds traded in cash.『23words』

16、This kind of financing can facilitate best arrangements tailored to the investors and borrowers in large-scale trade. It is often used in management buyout.『24words』

17、Fueled by easy money, not only from Banks but also endowments and pension funds, buyout Kings like THL upended the old order on Wall Street.『25words』

18、Or should I spend my time and energy trying to find the top quartile bond, top quartile real estate manager, or buyout manager, or venture capital manager?『27words』

19、It is a leading independent investment manager dedicated to the purchase of interests in venture capital, buyout, mezzanine and other private equity funds from existing investors seeking liquidity.『28words』

20、PizzaExpress's new Chinese private equity owner is eyeing a buyout of the chain's Hong Kong-based franchise partner as the chain beloved of the British middle classes expands across Asia.『29words』



21、Co-founded by Roger McNamee, who had been an investing star at tech buyout firm Silver Lake partners, and rock star Bono of U2 fame, Elevation billed itself as a partnership that "got" new media.『34words』

22、In bond trading and buyout repo trading, a par value of RMB1000 Yuan is considered one round lot, while in bond collateral repo trading, RMB1000 Yuan in the standard bonds is considered one round lot.『35words』

23、“I know it's not great everywhere, but this is probably the worst place to find a job," said Doug Zupan, a designer who took a buyout in November after working at Chrysler for six years.『35words』

