

1、retake the physics paper『4words』

2、You can retake tomorrow's exam in September.『7words』

3、He persisted in asking his teacher to retake the test.『10words』

4、Officers were going to retake sectors of the city .『10words』

5、Moore fought back to retake the lead later in the race.『11words』



6、Joint Maritime, land and Air campaign to retake the Falkland Islands.『11words』

7、Q: If I have already taken Exam70-290 or70-291, am I required to retake it?『14words』

8、There is no need to respond to any email about this or to retake the exam.『16words』

9、Syris Thalla is free, but there is no doubt that the enemy will try to retake it.『17words』

10、Thank God, the opposition always there to retake the message, those too powerful, too comfort has long derayed.『18words』



11、A cunning plan allowed the Rogues to retake Coruscant with its planetary shields intact and with acceptable collateral damage.『19words』

12、Cels are more of a problem because they are more expensive to retake and take more time to produce.『19words』

13、Citrix has applied a 24 hour retake policy for candidates who our attempting to take an exam a second time.『20words』

14、Musk said on Sunday that as drivers became familiar with the system, they tended to ignore audible warnings to retake the wheel.『22words』

15、As for retake courses not shown on this timetable, please refer to English Teaching Division and Business Teaching Division of Teaching and Learning Department.『24words』

16、“People did not have the courage" to retake the slums, said jose Mariano Beltrame, who took over as Rio's secretary of public security in 2007.『25words』

17、The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley.『26words』

18、Carter also echoed other top U. s. defense officials who have suggested the battle to retake Mosul could get under way in a matter of weeks.『26words』

19、Only with the rise of the Space Shuttle programme in the early 1980s, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union a few years later, did America retake the crown.『29words』

20、Indeed, the us now thinks it entirely possible that the Syrian regime, backed by Russian firepower, will move to retake both Raqqa and Deir-al-Zour, before the end of the year.『30words』



21、Students with scores of, say, 1, 290 rather than 1, 300 were more likely to retake the test—even though admissions data showed that administrators didn't seem to favor rounded scores.『30words』

22、The brilliant military victories of Fly-Tiger Group of not only helped China to retake the air domination but helped to bring about the complete victory in the war zone of China.『31words』

23、He rushed to the front of Lady Sun's carriage and appealed tearfully to her: "When your elder brother and Zhou Yu conspired to call me to the Southland to marry you, they did not do so for your sake. All they wanted was to confine me so that they could retake Jingzhou, and after that to kill me.『58words』

