

1、We are gobbling up the last resources.『7words』

2、They "gobble", and Gore's gobbling soon turnssintos"garble".『7words』

3、The Pac-Man is gobbling up these little light bulbs.『9words』

4、He was gobbling mincemeat, meat bone, bread and cheese, all at once.『12words』

5、Is China gobbling up sales of a product that's on its way out?『13words』



6、He heard Teresa clanging pots in the kitchen and the kids making gobbling sounds.『14words』

7、The researchers also identified a previously-unknown strain of ostensibly oil-gobbling Oceanospirillum that doesn't consume oxygen.『15words』

8、They are gobbling up mobile devices, PCs, routers and other technology gear at a rapid rate.『16words』

9、Astronomers figure that the galaxy gobbling that resulted also served as a gravy train for black holes.『17words』

10、As you eat, really taste the food and feel the textures, instead of gobbling it down mindlessly.『17words』



11、This black hole not only was gobbling up mass, but actually launched off a jet of fast-moving material.『18words』

12、A new cohort of 'bots that make energy by gobbling organic matter could be the beginning of truly autonomous machines.『20words』

13、The junk they're selling in the market is of such poor quality and the foreigners here are gobbling it up like pigs.『22words』

14、It's no secret that China has been gobbling up a bigger share of the world's jewelry, luxury handbags, high fashion and watches.『22words』

15、While they were busy gobbling up the roof, a horrid-looking witch had come out the front door to see what the ruckus was about.『24words』

16、Florida Marine conservationists have come up with a simple recipe for fighting the invading lionfish that is gobbling up local reef life — eat them.『25words』

17、Every time he saw the migrant workers dragging their tired bodies, muddy face to the drawer, grabbing the vegetable dumplings and gobbling them down, his heart ached.『27words』

18、Some have even been known to make their way onto the dinner table when their humans are not paying attention, gobbling down everything from filet mignon to sticks of butter!『30words』

19、Two space observatories have provided the first strong evidence of a supermassive black hole stretching, tearing apart and partially gobbling up a star flung into reach of its enormous gravity, astronomers said.『32words』

20、He observes that hospitals are already gobbling up independent doctors' practices at a record rate. In doing so, they often promise to preserve doctors' salaries and cover the cost of getting EMRS.『32words』



21、But because of gravity's negative energy, it doesn't matter how small such holes are: they still have the potential to inflate and expand in their own dimensions (rather than gobbling up our own).『33words』

22、When more plates of food arrived he shoveled beans and noodles fish and broccoli onto his plate then lit upon it all as if it were prey gobbling and drinking then gobbling some more.『34words』

23、If a recording really had been made, it would have been a thunderous racket, like the roaring of waves or the gobbling and gulping of wolves or tigers, accompanied by a thin, sharp thread of sound in the middle that rose and fell abruptly without stop.『46words』

