

1、Co-chairmen of the Interim Joint Administration『6words』

2、The chairmen of the board is the legal representative of the JV Company.『13words』

3、Both men and women, as chairmen, should have foresight, foresight, modesty and lifelong learning.『14words』

4、Both the chairmen and vice-chairmen are now full members of the respective District Management Committees.『15words』

5、The Presidium shall elect some of its members to rotate as executive chairmen of the sessions.『16words』



6、Speaking of this, with a wrinkled eyebrow, the politicians and deputy chairmen consulted and did so.『16words』

7、The chairman, vice-chairmen and members of each residents' or villagers' committee are elected by the residents.『16words』

8、The chairman, vice-chairmen and committee members may be appointed by the China International Chamber of Commerce.『16words』

9、The old man piteously did not speak much, so he found her two sedan chairmen, an unroofed sedan chair.『19words』

10、A good many chairmen and committee members of township associations in Hengshan and Hsianghsiang Counties have been thrown in jail.『20words』



11、The chairman of the board shall be appointed by the Chinese venturer, and its vice-chairman (or vice-chairmen) by the foreign venturer(s).『21words』

12、The chairman and the vice-chairman (vice-chairmen) shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the Board of directors.『24words』

13、After the closing ceremony, the four chairmen of the Forum hosted a press conference and answered many questions posed by Chinese and foreign reporters.『24words』

14、Since his2004 Lazio takeover, the charismatic exec hasn't hesitated to express his particular views on football matters, mostly without the self-censoring filter that many chairmen adopt.『26words』

15、The two chairmen of the group-Lee Hamilton, a former Indiana congressman, and James Baker, a former secretary of state-will be fixtures on the airwaves for days.『26words』

16、There are not too many chairmen that would fly half way around the world to get a deal done and he has gone and flown personally to Brazil twice.『29words』

17、We should also persuade some comrades to take honorary posts, such as members of the political consultative conference or vice-chairmen in the conference of a county or a province.『29words』

18、The proportion of the members of both sides in the sub-committees and the allocation of the posts of chairmen and vice-chairmen shall be the same as in the national reorganization committee.『31words』

19、(5) The composition of the board of directors, its powers and rules of procedure, the term of office of directors, and the responsibilities of the chairman and vice-chairman (or vice-chairmen) of the board;『33words』

20、The fat man sat steadily with his hands on his thighs. After the two sedan chairmen in front of him passed by, the long tips of the reed pole would bounce up and scratch him.『35words』



21、Recently, Jiyun Tian and Jieping Wu, vice-chairmen of the Standing Committee of NPC, and Minzhang Chen, Minister of the Ministry of Public Health met separately with Mr. John Luo, chairman and administrative president of Wellcome, who came to China.『39words』

22、Article 103. The standing committee of a local people's congress at and above the county level is composed of a chairman, vice-chairmen and members, and is responsible, and reports on its work, to the people's congress at the corresponding level.『40words』

23、According to the relevant laws, among the chairman or vice-chairmen of the standing committee of the people's congress of an autonomous area there must be one or more citizens of the ethnic group or groups exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned.『42words』

