

1、He falls, mortally wounded.『4words』

2、He fell mortally wounded.『4words』

3、He knew he was mortally ill.『6words』

4、Patroclus fell mortally wounded and died soon.『7words』

5、fatal disease; mortally ill; past all hope『7words』



6、Candace admits to having been "mortally embarrassed."『7words』

7、Your friend is dead, and you are mortally wounded.『9words』

8、Sontag grew "mortally malcontented", often seething with outrage and regret.『10words』

9、However, in that final battle, Vol will mortally wound Dumbledore.『10words』

10、Jackson, scouting in the dark, was mortally wounded by his own pickets.『12words』



11、The mortally wounded man was unconscious but still alive when taken to the hospital.?『14words』

12、His eloquence is always effective, and some mortally ashamed passenger gets off at the next stop.『16words』

13、I made effort on effort, though in vain: meantime, I was mortally afraid of its trampling fore-feet.『17words』

14、A young man lies mortally wounded on the ground, his head and upper body soaked in blood.『17words』

15、Then the friends separated without a good-night, and dragged themselves home with the gait of mortally stricken men.『18words』



16、The Kuomintang was mortally afraid of criticism and went in fear and trepidation each time the Political Council was in session.『21words』

17、As they attacked, Ms. Deng said, she took a fruit knife from her purse and stabbed wildly. Mr. Deng fell, mortally wounded.『22words』

18、The mortally ill get plentiful pain killers. A well-established hospice movement cares for people near death, although only 4% of deaths occur in them.『24words』

19、Lord Yeh is fond of dragons(the proverbial Lord Yeh who claimed to be fond of dragons But in fact was mortally afraid of them); insincere love for things『28words』

20、Sidney believed this so much in fact that when he knew himself to be dying, having been mortally wounded in a battle, he ordered that all of his own poems be burned.『32words』

21、Polish patriot and general who aided American forces in the Revolutionary War, commanding the defense of Charleston(1779)and leading a cavalry brigade in the siege of Savannah, during which he was mortally wounded.『32words』

22、He wrote begging letters by the score, sometimes groveling without shame, at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support, and being mortally offended if the recipient declined the honor.『35words』

