

1、I have a new hairdo.『5words』

2、This hairdo feminizes the man.『5words』

3、I like your outfit and hairdo『6words』

4、I'm ready for a new hairdo.『6words』

5、I'd like a casual hairdo for sightseeing.『7words』



6、It is the most popular hairdo this year.『8words』

7、She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo.『9words』

8、How does a stroller's dress and hairdo become fashionable?『9words』

9、Good morning. Please do a new hairdo for my wife.『10words』

10、It's a very iconic hairdo, I guess no one else really has it.『13words』



11、Linda: : I'm ready for a new hairdo. Do you have any Suggestions?『13words』

12、He wears a bouffant hairdo and platform shoes reportedly to compensate for his 5-foot-3-inch frame.『15words』

13、The clothes and the hairdo are a superficial sign of a deeper urge to be identical.『16words』

14、Oh, it's raining and my new hairdo is ruined! All those hours in the hairdresser for nothing!『17words』

15、Which if you're a singer in a rock band, means avoiding the obvious pitfalls like say a mullet hairdo.『19words』



16、Standing in the corner on the left was Anu, a girl with a short 4 hairdo and still shorter skirt.『20words』

17、The 22-year-old shocked team mates and Japan coach Takeshi Okada with his spiky hairdo on the eve of his country's Kirin Cup friendly in Osaka.『25words』

18、Work out if there is something specific you want. Maybe you're only jealous because he or she has the exact handbag or hairdo you've always wanted.『26words』

19、If you don't believe it, take US singer Beyonce Knowles' case as an example. Her curly hairdo presents a more positive and fun image to the world.『27words』

20、Could it be his look -- "two-piece army suit, bouffant hairdo, Ray-ban sunglasses, and platform shoes, " as one ABC reporter put it -- offers some inspiration during these austere times?『31words』

21、Everyone needs to pamper himself or herself once in awhile and if it is going to a spa or something simple as trying, a new hairdo can improve greatly on how you feel.『33words』

22、And when he speaks I need to move - even if that means moving into territory that is the spiritual equivalent of a bright, spiky hairdo that very few people can pull off.『33words』

