

1、Why do the wealthy hoard『5words』

2、Money is not something to hoard.『6words』

3、What's a dragon without a hoard, though?『7words』

4、coemption / to hoard / to stock up『8words』

5、We should hoard more winter vegetables like cabbages.『8words』



6、Of course money is not something to hoard.『8words』

7、The squirrel kept his hoard in a tree .『9words』

8、Some hoard food in their burrows for winter eating.『9words』

9、They've begun to hoard food and petrol and save their money.『11words』

10、It is little wonder that Japanese companies hoard so much of their profit.『13words』



11、Most of their hoard has been accumulated in the past ten years (see chart 2).『15words』

12、This hoard is divided between the region's central banks, its sovereign-wealth funds and its wealthy sovereigns.『16words』

13、There was not a person in Saumur who was not convinced that Monsieur Grandet had a treasure hoard.『18words』

14、For Shell, Exxon et al to hoard oil underground would be to leave billions of dollars of investment languishing unused.『20words』

15、Firms can have high retained earnings (ie, saving) yet still need to borrow if they invest more than they hoard.『20words』



16、Many of the recipients are likely to be the unsuspecting parents of teenagers who hoard free downloads offered by file-sharing services.『21words』

17、Why not instead make it easier for firms to hoard workers and keep a skilled workforce intact for when the economy turns?『22words』

18、Part of the fun of vacation at home was the chance to go through Mom's hoard of rummage, destined for the less fortunate.『23words』

19、It was Tiner who agreed that Banks could make up their own minds about how much capital they needed to hoard to cover their risks.『25words』

20、Security woes in the Middle East and Africa, political worries in Latin America, and violent hurricanes in North America have made everyone jumpy—and eager to hoard precious petroleum.『28words』

21、THEIR new-found hoard of oil still lies 7, 000 metres (23, 000 feet) beneath the Atlantic Ocean, but the signs are that it has already gone to Brazilian officialdom's head.『30words』

22、For the buyer - since the bonds are specifically created for and marketed to diaspora members - a 4 percent return would be much better than a typical bank savings account or cash hoard.『34words』

