

1、a cloakroom, swimming-pool, museum, etc attendant『6words』

2、He deposited his overcoat in the cloakroom.『7words』

3、Imes removed his greatcoat from the cloakroom.『7words』

4、Please take it over there to the cloakroom.『8words』

5、King: Excuse me, is there a cloakroom here?『8words』



6、You can leave your coat in the cloakroom .『9words』

7、Attendant: no. Please take it over there to the cloakroom.『10words』

8、Food and beverage containers should be stored in the cloakroom.『10words』

9、I don't think we need a cloakroom since it is not necessary.『12words』

10、The era of personalization, management cloakroom is in the management of its image.『13words』



11、She turned around and disappeared into the cloakroom. Soon she came out with two suits.『15words』

12、The house has its own unique point is that no one bedroom has its own cloakroom『16words』

13、My father had just returned home from work and was putting his coat back in the cloakroom.『17words』

14、Small areas for retreat are offered by the large window recesses and accessible partition furniture leading to the cloakroom.『19words』

15、Food or drink should not be taken into the auditorium. Food and beverage containers should be stored in the cloakroom.『20words』



16、This whole mirrored wall begins in the waiting room and integrates the cloakroom area and the units holding the cutlery and dinner service.『23words』

17、Thank you, sir. Here is your tag. This cloakroom is open till 11: 00 p. m. , could you pick it up by then?『24words』

18、Parents and survivors alleged that Kuang took refuge in a ladies' cloakroom that could have sheltered 30 people and barred the doors behind her.『24words』

19、Certainly, sir. We'll keep it in the cloakroom for you. Here is your number. When you leave, show it to the waiter behind the counter, please.『26words』

20、Police in Berlin made their easiest arrest of the year at their annual Christmas party, after spotting a man rummaging through the pockets of their coats in the cloakroom.『29words』

21、Warren Harding’s extramarital exertions would provoke titters only after his death, when a tell-all memoir by one of his mistresses, Nan Britton, boasted of assignations in a White House cloakroom.『30words』

22、Transfer of goods by someone ( the bailor ) to someone ( the bailee ) who then holds them until they have to be returned to the bailor ( as when leave a coat in a cloakroom or at the cleaner 's )『43words』

