

1、Why the chaplain boom?『4words』

2、Then why not consult the company chaplain『7words』

3、He had a distinguished record as a chaplain.『8words』

4、He joined the 40th Division as an army chaplain.『9words』

5、The chaplain came and preached to a packed church.『9words』



6、In the prison chapel, Lincoln gazes up at the chaplain.『10words』

7、He acted both as the ship's surgeon and as chaplain for the men.『13words』

8、When I was 14 a chaplain at school gave me a reading list.『13words』

9、“People are disappointed,” explains Shirley Cooper, a police chaplain who brought her family to Gary’s picnic.『16words』

10、Finally, the hospital's chaplain gave me valuable advice. " You can't fight this alone" he said.『16words』



11、“People are disappointed, ” explains Shirley Cooper, a police chaplain who brought her family to Gary’s picnic.『17words』

12、The prison chaplain came to me in my cell and tried to make a bargain with me.『17words』

13、Since you are an abbe , I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys.『18words』

14、We refused to agree to any request that he should take part in the work of a cathedral chaplain.『19words』

15、It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade.『19words』



16、Moss currently works in chaplain services at a Palo Alto Hospital, a job that allows for close proximity to her therapist.『21words』

17、As the car opened, chaplain suddenly pointed to a gray building in front of us, so that we could see it quickly.『22words』

18、They build a rapport with staff and management and let them know that, if they need to talk, a chaplain is available.『22words』

19、Then, one steaming August night between mortar attacks, the chaplain asked for a volunteer to drive him to the helicopter pad the following weekend.『24words』

20、I think it was so splendid of father to go as chaplain when he was too old to be drafted, and not strong enough for a soldier, 'said Meg, warmly.『30words』

21、As a chaplain in the Paris universities, a post he held from 1954-69, "Lulu" was remembered in sharp black corduroys and black loafers, tearing round the Latin Quarter on a motorbike.『31words』

22、“That is impossible," replied the governor. "The chaplain of the Chateau came to me yesterday to beg for leave of absence, in order to take a trip to Hyères for a week.『32words』

