

1、Customers are finicky.『3words』

2、a finicky eater, dresser, etc『5words』

3、Various configuration settings can cause finicky behavior.『7words』

4、Eat up your fish and don' t be so finicky.『10words』

5、Even the most finicky eater will find something appetizing here.『10words』



6、Classic sandwiches and sides will satisfy even the most finicky eater.『11words』

7、The iPod is somewhat finicky about the types of media it plays.『12words』

8、I carefully looked at the dandelion, it is not a finicky flower.『12words』

9、It's incredibly finicky and requires a ton of coordinated hand-eye feedback to maintain.『13words』

10、Jon: Do you know how to get a finicky cat to eat his cat food?『15words』



11、A finicky eater, you' ll insist upon eating well-balanced, healthy meals that won' t pollute your body.『17words』

12、Nobody hiring today is going to be looking for someone who's going to be finicky about their workspace.『18words』

13、With its Ford engine, the Pantera was supposed to be easier to maintain than something with a finicky Italian engine.『20words』

14、With so much supply to be absorbed by finicky markets, there is a worry that some bonds may go unsold.『20words』

15、Whether dealing with a demanding boss, difficult client or finicky users, you have to impress them with your attitude and service.『21words』



16、They are sometimes finicky; a smudge of dirt or a speck of dust can cause bogus readings and change the calculated results.『22words』

17、The touchscreen in many cars can be finicky and hard to use, forcing many drivers to use their smartphone for navigation or music.『23words』

18、It's the difference between what my father describes as "finicky" Flynn sleep - Flynn is my mother's maiden name - and solid, no-nonsense Morrisroe sleep.『25words』

19、No matter who you're shopping for and how finicky their tastes, we've landed some truly exceptional surprises—from patterned pillows (hello auntie!) to cool wooden tools and slick minaudieres.『28words』

20、Native bumblebees in Wisconsin aren't as finicky about cold, wet weather as honeybees, so managing the landscape for their benefit would mean more buzz in the orchards in early spring.『30words』

21、This is a fractious, finicky process and tiny defects in the materials, or failures in the alignment of the different layers, can result in 20% or more of a batch being scrapped.『32words』

22、In order for luxury goods makers to crack the market and maintain a hold on finicky consumers, they have to convince people to pay far more for something– a pair of shoes, a bottle of wine, or a watch– than they need to.『43words』

