

1、Houdinin had swum to the surface.『6words』

2、Have you ever swum in a river?『7words』

3、Have you swum in the Black Sea?『7words』

4、Have you ever swum in the ocean?『7words』

5、Some of us have swum in the sea.『8words』



6、Have you ever swum in a river or a lake?『10words』

7、Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore.『13words』

8、Did you ever swum in the sea to felt the sea water cool?『13words』

9、In the medley relay, all four strokes are swum by four different swimmers.『13words』

10、He has swum for two hours in the water, but he isn't tired.『13words』



11、I had done half the retreat on foot and swum part of the Tagliamento with his knee.『17words』

12、Introduced in Arkansas in the 1970s, Asian carp have swum up the Mississippi River, eating and spawning ravenously.『18words』

13、Its mother had been killed nearby an' th' hole was swum out an' th' rest o' th' litter was dead.『20words』

14、This race is either swum by one swimmer as Individual Medley( IM) or by four swimmers as a Medley Relay.『20words』

15、We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have…entered and swum up like rivers.『21words』



16、Roger had swum fast toward David, and Joseph was pulling Andy into the dinghy and then sculling out toward the other two.『22words』

17、When he had swum about a hundred yards out he paused, treading water, and saw that the girl who had been beside him was nowhere to be found.『28words』

18、Some people hurl racial slurs at them, give them dirty looks or call them “wetbacks”, a term of abuse recalling someone who has just swum the Rio Grande.『28words』

19、While other styles like the breaststroke, front crawl, or backstroke can be swum easily even by beginners, the butterfly is a more difficult stroke that requires good technique to be feasible.『31words』

20、For precisely 200 years, in the longest unbroken string of national nose-counting in the world, they have climbed, hiked, swum, snowshoed, ridden mules and flown in helicopters to keep track of us.『32words』

21、Then one and then another of the boys came up on the far side of the barrier of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it.『33words』

22、Later, when you told your classmates you had swum across the Yellow River, Erbao and Xu Huabei had nudged and winked at each other and said they had swum over too, and even done the butterfly stroke all the way ....『41words』


上一篇:real time造句,用real time怎么造句子(22句)