

1、100doz. gent ' umbrella $80 per doz .『8words』

2、Five shillings on the gent. Who will take it?『9words』

3、Mr Blake was a gent. He knew how to behave.『10words』

4、He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.『10words』

5、The car alarm gent off, but they must have disengaged it.『11words』



6、Target screening for RNA interference of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 gent『12words』

7、“No, I hear them. The car alarm gent off, but they must have disengaged it. "『16words』

8、I suppose you don't want me to open my mouth to this gent, that's about it.『16words』

9、These facts show that substrate contraction and asymmetric compression can facilitate the development of rearward-ver-gent thrusts.『16words』

10、The mechanism of improvement of explosion resistance with addition of aluminum powder, organic foaming a-gent azodiformamide, aluminum$…『17words』



11、The hydroxyapatite (HA) powder surface modified with silane coupling a gent was used to prepare HA/epoxy composite.『17words』

12、Therefore the modified lignin has bright application prospects as a sacrificial a-gent in the tertiary oil recovery.『17words』

13、Not be apparently, his change comes from the style of " gent " at southron in one's heart.『18words』

14、Surface active agent has been widely used as additive in fire-extinguishing a-gent, and has greatly improved fire-extinguishing agent's function.『19words』

15、Combs. we shall like to have quotation of cheap quality comb, for gent as well as lady also barber' comb.『20words』



16、The mechanism of improvement of explosion resistance with addition of aluminum powder, organic foaming a-gent azodiformamide, aluminum lactate and organic f…『21words』

17、This paper deals with the application and process of PVA water soluble fiber as dry-strength a-gent in printing paper, package paper, cigarette plug paper.『24words』

18、For importation of goods, the importer or his a gent shall report and pay tax to the cuetoms offic e where the imports are declared.『25words』

19、The gent has taken off his clothes and put on his bathing-suit, but the water is getting colder and there is an autumn nip in the air.『27words』

20、Effect of mica paper, reinforced material, binder, solvent types, quality and additive Quantum of the solidified gent on the quality of the mica tape is analyzed in this paper.『29words』

21、In the indust ry detection field, elect ronic digi2 tal indicator has widely broad application, and an intelli2 gent detection system for elect ronic digital indicator based on89 C51 microcomputer is discussed.『32words』

22、The Save: Everybody likes a generous gent, and Gibson would do well to show he’s not as selfish and ego-centric as all that by handing over a portion of his fortune to those in need.『35words』

