

1、I thought their mosses were beautiful.『6words』

2、A new record species of mosses in China.『8words』

3、mosses similar to those of genus Bryum but larger.『9words』

4、(of mosses) having the archegonia on short lateral branches.『9words』

5、By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses.『11words』



6、A similar structure that produces spores on club mosses, horsetails, and spike mosses.『13words』

7、The rest of the plants are made up of mosses, algae and lichen.『13words』

8、The touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree.『16words』

9、The touch of the nameless days cling to my heart like mosses round the old tree.『16words』

10、type genus of the Bryaceae: mosses distinguished by mostly erect and tufted gametophytes and symmetrical short-necked capsules.『17words』



11、The fluctuation of annual precipitation in the same area directly affects the cover of mosses and algae.『17words』

12、On the continent itself are a few insects, some lichens and mosses, but nothing else that is land supported.『19words』

13、In 2001 ~ 2005, 1 810 specimens of mosses were collected in the upper reaches of Luanhe River and identified.『20words』

14、formerly recognized taxonomic group including all flowerless and seedless plants that reproduce by means of spores: ferns, mosses, algae, fungi.『20words』

15、family of erect mosses with club-shaped paraphyses and the hexagonal cells of the upper leaf surface; sometimes treated as a subfamily of Bryaceae.『23words』



16、The trees come up to my window; and the touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree.『24words』

17、A study on the bryophyta plants resources in Hubei, China --V A preliminary list of the mosses of Triangle Hill in Xishui County, Hubei Province, China;『26words』

18、Sporogonium the sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts. it develops from the zygote and comprises the foot, seta, and capsule. the sporogonium is parasitic on the gametophyte generation.『28words』

19、They provide shelter for many animals, and their trunks and branches can become gardens, hung with green ferns, orchids and bromeliads, coaled with mosses and draped with vines.『28words』

20、This is a square quadrangle courtyard. The walls are like mosses of cattle hide, which can not be cured for a long time. The flowers reply, making people look sad.『30words』

21、A treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low - growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs.『31words』

22、Systemic symptom has tremble of aversion to cold, the body that do not have sweat is painful, articulatory ache, bellyache arrest is urgent, the tongue is reddish, liver mosses Bao Bai.『31words』

