

1、The polluter should pay.『4words』

2、Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter.『6words』

3、Have you heard about "polluter pays principle"?『7words』

4、The steel mill is the city's major polluter.『8words』

5、Certain industry is major polluter of the environment.『8words』



6、But the US, the biggest polluter, refuses to do so.『10words』

7、A polluter then would pay for all the resources which he consumes.『12words』

8、Occasionally a polluter will be forced to pay farmers for damage to crops.『13words』

9、China is a major polluter with a plan to fix it. America is a major polluter.『16words』

10、But not every polluter has upstanding Norwegians investing in it, or holds its AGM in London.『16words』



11、In circumstances where there is more than one polluter, the Tort Law provides for joint liability.『16words』

12、In control environment pollution, western countries mainly take polluter burden, drainage pollution charge and control pollution's preferential policy.『18words』

13、But in the U. S., the world's biggest greenhouse polluter, legislators want to cut taxes rather than boost spending.『19words』

14、The duty of a polluter or a third party--Reflections on legal liability of "Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution"『21words』

15、Among industrialised countries, the report warned the United States, the No. 2 polluter, would still fall short even if it fulfilled itsCopenhagen promises.『23words』



16、Will Obama sign and abide by the Kyoto agreement, or will he continue to allow the biggest polluter on the planet to pollute with impunity?『25words』

17、We believe that it is correct that Shell [Nigeria] fund the study, as this is in compliance with the internationally accepted norm of the 'polluter pays'.『26words』

18、Beijing's most notorious polluter, the Shougang steelworks, has decided not to halt production while the Chinese capital hosts the Olympics in August2008, instead reducing operations to a“ minimum level”.『29words』

19、Water quality model is a key tool of water polluter transport and transform simulation. It is widely used in the field of water environment protection and water pollution prevention and cure.『31words』

20、Any unit or individual that has suffered damage directly from a water pollution hazard shall have the right to demand elimination of the hazard and compensation for the damage by the polluter.『32words』

21、India has not met its energy growth targets even in the absence of carbon constraints - can we realistically expect it to moderate due to global concerns when it will say it is not the prime polluter『37words』

22、The Lhasa Brewery, which used to be a big polluter, has spent more than four million yuan on equipment to treat industrial sewage as part of its technological transformation efforts. As a result, its sewage discharge has met the specified standard.『41words』

